In Yemen, at a parade, the drone dropped a bomb on high-ranking military


Today, 2:44 pm


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The responsibility for the attack was assumed by Iran-backed rebels

Screenshot of euronews / YouTube video

On Thursday, January 10, a man unmanned launched a bomb on a tribune with senior military officials in Yemen

Reuters reported that the incident occurred during a parade in Al-Aqad in Lahg Province .

According to the available data, five people died and several others were injured as a result of the attack

. The Husky rebels took the responsibility. .


Note that the armed conflict in E I have been running since 2014.

On the one hand, it is a harassment sustained by the l 39; Iran by the Shiite movement Ansar Allah and his faithful ex-President Ali Abdullah Saleh of the army. [19659018] They oppose government forces and groups loyal to President Abdu. Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

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