In Zori Verniduba's coach, a contract with Kairat could break with journalist TK Football 1/2


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A journalist from the channel has already apologized to the Luhansk club mentor.

  Vernidub has an active contract with Zoria for the next two years /

In Vernidub, a current contract with "Zoria" for the next two years /

Newspaper reported that after negotiations were broken his activities Ukrainian coach Kairat Kazakhstan notes Sportarena.

"I want to apologize to George Vernydub. This broke a solid contract with Kairat. Too bad my post was received by Yevgeny Geller for secret negotiations and had to cancel the agreed meeting. It is worth dropping the situation. The generosity of Kazakhstan is not important. The traitor is respected by the star, it is much more important, "he wrote in the journalist's message.

Possible negotiations, which did not occur, indirectly confirm the agent of Kazakhstan , Eric Sadikov:

"Kairat was looking for a coach, and I know Yuri Vernidub was in a short letter. Talks with him are scheduled to take place in the capital of the Russian Federation at the Ukraine Hotel. But these discussions did not happen because before that, Kairat had decided that the head coach would be another person. "

In an interview with FootballHub Vernidub, no information was received on the offers of Kazakhstan

In addition, Yuri Vernidub said that will never give an interview to journalists on the Football channel

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