Indigenous sea prisoners expressed their demands to the Ombudsman Denysova – Ukrainian


The Ukrainian authorities throw the lethargy and do not really want to help.

The families of the POWs who marry accuse the Ukrainian Ombudsman team of not doing enough to release the prisoners earlier. An indigenous person organized a meeting with the Commissioner for Human Rights, Lyudmila Denisova, in Odessa, in the story TSN.19: 30 .

These people came from different regions, despite bad weather and ice. "For 46 days, none of them visited our boys in Moscow, I think it's like a simple communication," commented the work of Ukrainian officials of the father of Captive sailor Victor Soroka.

Video Ukrainian mediator meets relatives of marine prisoners of war

The families of our prisoners of war accuse the team of Ukrainian mediators of not doing everything for the quick release of prisoners. And even they will go to Moscow, to support them in the election of the court of a repeated preventive measure.

  The Ukrainian Ombudsman meets family members of marine prisoners of war.

Lyudmila Denisova offers parents to accompany her to Moscow, where sailors will choose shortly after a preventive measure. The Ombudsman explains that it is very difficult to work with a country that does not recognize any international standard. "I have regularly addressed Bortnikov, Director of the FSB, my requests for meetings with our prisoners of war at SIZO are currently being examined," said the mediator.

The natives have not seen their sons and their brothers for nearly two months, the information is received only by letters. Despite the pressure of the FSB, the guys are holding and planning their future. "By asking me to have accepted the agreement of the army, I transferred his documents there, to Western Ukraine, and even asked me to". call his civilian wife so that he will move with him so that she will choose his university there, "said Dmitry Aider, the sailor's father.

One of the Russian seamen's lawyers is present at the meeting. He speaks of a line of defense based on international standards and the Geneva Convention on the Rights of Prisoners of War. "This position is supported by the Ukrainian authorities, and the international community," said lawyer Nikolai Polozov.

Recall that on the morning of November 25, Russia blocked the passage of the Kerch Strait to the Ukrainian tug "Yana Kapu" and two boats "Berdyansk" and "Nikopol". To this end, the Russians blocked the traffic under the Crimea Bridge by an oil tanker and even used the Don's trolley trailer . On the evening of the same day, Russian ships attacked and captured them, while wounding at least six Ukrainian sailors and capturing the other captives. Subsequently, alleged courts of annexed Crimea arrested them for two months . After that, the sailors were transferred to the Moscow SIZO . They are all accused of having so-called illegal passage of the Russian border. Later, all Ukrainian sailors became prisoners of war in Russia.

Correspondent TSN Sergei Osadchuk

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