Injured Ukrainian sailors in Russia "hide" at "Lefortovo" – parents of prisoners


The wounded Ukrainian seamen, who are currently part of the SIZO "Matroska Silence", could already be transferred to another investigator insulator, "Lefortovo", on 22 January. The Russian side seems to have such an intention because it plans to "hide" the guys from active communication with lawyers, which is possible in the current place of detention.

The parents of the injured prisoner of war, Andrei Assist, said during the "Week"

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Our lawyer stated that the investigators were preparing to be transferred this week. For me too, so to speak, the rumors ran that it would be tomorrow (channel from 22 to 24 January). And it's actually horrible … What transfer can be if they are still unhealthy. There is no medical conclusion. That is, according to the Geneva Convention, they should receive treatment. And to our knowledge, Denisova learned on January 10 that our sailors had not been treated since the beginning of 2019. That is to say that this year, they stopped receiving treatment,
told the parents of a sailor.

According to them, the transfer of wounded Ukrainian sailors to Lefortovo, the Russian side tries to shield them from any active communication with Ukrainian lawyers, which is still possible "Sailor silence."

"Our lawyer from Andriy should appear today and tomorrow, if they translate, it may be too late, we will not be able to do anything, "added a relative.

Official information on the transfer of wounded Ukrainian seamen to other and prison have been reported.

Recall, on January 15 in the Moscow court has prolonged the arrest of 20 Ukrainian sailors captive. Four of them will be in detention until 24 and 16 April. The next day, January 16, the court extended the sentence of arrest of 4 other Ukrainian seamen until April 24.

Note that the seafarers' lawyers had been instructed to refer Ukrainian cases to a military court because they were prisoners of war. However, the Russian court rejected this request.

How do Ukrainian sailors become Russian prisoners of war? On November 25, 2018, a Russian border ship made a descent into the tug of the Ukrainian army in the Kerch Strait. This tug was one of three Ukrainian warships that legally traveled from the port of Odessa to the port of Mariupol.

Nevertheless, in Russia, Ukrainian vessels illegally entered the waters of the temporarily closed Russian territorial sea and made their way to the Kerch Strait.

After the attack, Ukrainian ships continued to go to Mariupol. However, after leaving the Kerch Strait, Russian border ships fired on Ukrainian ships. Because of this, six Ukrainian soldiers were injured.

Russia seized 2 Ukrainian ships and captured 24 Ukrainian sailors. They were then arrested in occupied Crimea and taken to a Moscow SIZO. All Ukrainian sailors opened an investigation into Russian prisoners of war.

A preliminary investigation of a sailor will continue in Russia until May 25. And their lawyers predict that the trial of Ukrainians in Russia will not start sooner than a year later

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