Irene Usok Arrested – A famous Russian actress arrested in the United States for kidnapping a child


The famous Russian actress Irina Usok, who starred in the paintings of Dasha Vasilieva – a lover of private searches, "The March of the Turks", "Mama, do not be afraid" and many others , was stopped directly at the New York airport. he tells the truth to people by referring to the telegram Mash

The actress is accused of kidnapping – the kidnapping of a child

She was placed in jail, a actress is threatened with prison for over 20 years. United States for the kidnapping of a child "class =" alignnone wp-image-229127 size-full "src =" 02 / usok-3.jpg "width =" 720 "height =" 400 "srcset =" 720w, https: //×167.jpg 300w, -480×267.jpg 480w "sizes =" (max-width: 720px) 100vw, 720px "/>

In the end, Usok had already confronted a United States adyanynom crowd and was carrying him a child. couple was disputed and Irina went to Russia to take her child

. She arrived with a child in the United States, where she was waiting for the police.

The actress was arrested and l & rsquo; Child was entrusted to his father's family.

Recall that last December, actor Josh Henderson, who was playing in the series "Desperate Housewives", was stopped for theft

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