Iryna Fedyshyn showed her father and mother (photo)


In the photo, we see the singer with his sons and his parents

In the family of the participant in Voice of the country-8, Irina Fedyshin February is generous on the holy moon. Thus, on February 1, the artist celebrated his 32 years. And yesterday, February 6, the birthday of his father, Peter, was in celebration. Singer congratulated every father by posting a family photo and warm words in his Instagram account.

ALSO READ: Iryna Fedyshin was fascinated by the harmony of the seductive evening dress

"I congratulate my father for the holidays! Today is his birthday! May the Lord give you good health, long years of life and a happy destiny! I always learn from your wisdom! Thank you for your attention, your support and your unlimited love! I love you very much, "wrote Irina Fedyshyn.

In the photo, the artist is represented in the circle of his sons, Yuri and Oleg, father and mother.

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