James Cameron plans to return to film "Alien"


The Hollywood director wants to revive Alien 5, whose creation was canceled by the studio of 20th Century FOX

According to information reported by Espresso.TV and referring to Screen Rant. "But 20th Century FOX studio decided to focus on Ridley Scott's prefixes and canceled the project."

However, it seems that the film Blomcampaign might well be unearthed In an interview with IGN, James Cameron confessed his intention to reopen the band's work He was not informed at that time

Cameron was asked when he was talking to Neal Blomkam about his "Alien 5" concept, to which the director replied: "I am working on that, yes."


The film was intended to be a direct continuation of "Alien" and to ignore the events of the third and fourth part.The main heroine was to become an adult Nut.The director also wanted to carry out the plot of the plot of Ellen Ripley

The movie scriptary Blomcampaign had been recommended not only by Cameron but also by the main star of the franchise Sigourney Weaver and Corporal Hickey Michael B. Bean. Both were considering participating in the new movie "Alien".




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