Jieda Hadid candidly admitted why she did not consider her sister Bella a rival


Gigi Hadid, a 23-year-old model and angel of "Victoria's Secret", adorned the cover of the March issue of the US Elle. In the interview, the girl revealed interesting details about her personal life and career path.

Despite his very young age, Gigi Hadid managed to make himself known all over the world. She collaborates with the best brands, presents great brands and gets on the podium with the legendary wings of "The Angel", Victoria's Secret.

Read: The elegant sisters choose the yellow: Bella and Jizha Hadid illuminated in New York

Sister Bella is also his colleague and the girls must divide a branch. The first question from Elder Elle, the American editor-in-chief, is this: Are not they competing as models and not as sisters? On what Jijie told him, they learn from each other on the contrary.

We have very different styles with Bella. The work Bella wants to do is not the job I'm looking for. In many ways it inspires me
said 23-year-old Jidge Hadid

. their negative impact. The girl assured that having grown up in a famous family has only played a negligible role in her role as role model.

I admit that I have some privileges in this regard because my mother was a star of the series "Real Beverly Hills Housewives" "However, people think that my childhood has passed in front of the cameras and that now everything is given me easily.And that is completely wrong.Yes, my mother was a model.And when she was 16, she moved to the United States to earn money. Money for his family staying in Holland and my father was a refugee and he has accomplished everything in life.I also work diligently to make my parents proud of me
Gigi Hadid, 23 years old, spoke openly

Similarly, Victoria's "Angel" Secret presented the details of her illness and how she endured it.The girl admitted that she had received a diagnosis of Hashimoto immediately after his move to New York.

What is Hashimoto? The Sick ie Hashimoto, also called Hashimoto thyroiditis, is a chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland.

Usually, Hashimoto is a middle-aged person and I was diagnosed very early. In high school, I became more frequent cases of water retention in the body. And I was always tired. It was difficult. When I was 17 or 18 years old, I was prescribed medications that many people start taking when they are under 50 (if they are taken too long, that can have adverse consequences). Therefore, my mother studied non-traditional treatment methods,
– said Gigi Hadid.

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