Journalists, artists, musicians and a judge. Results 2018 without the politicians


Alexander Roitburd

Led the Odessa Art Museum and turned it into a place of local strength.

Yevgeny Kariev / theBabel

In February 2018, Alexander Roitburd, artist, polemicist, troublemaker, was simply the cautious person, who is still lacking. Roitburd was immediately accused of being a pornographer, painting excrement and hating Odessa. The deputies of the regional council refused to approve it and intervened only after the intervention of the governor of the region.

Roitburd changed the exhibition, organized at the museum a concert of God-Immaculate (according to the mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk), the group "Hammerman destroyed the viruses" and began to repair the building. the museum, which will be kilometers of approvals, years and millions of hryvnias. About the war with the Odessa bureaucracy, the museum's expenses and revenues, its history and Alexander Roitburd's work day – see TheBabel's grand report.

Jordan Peterson

The 2018 television interviews became the most prominent Western intellectual.

A photo of Jordan Peterson's official website

The "12 Rules of Life" book from the University of Toronto psychology professor, Jordan Peterson – a mix of autobiography, religious sermon and presentation of neurobiology by popular science – was published in January 2018. She immediately got the best sales on Amazon and is still there. His audio downloaded hundreds of thousands of times. Peterson himself toured the United States for several months, which regularly gathered thousands of spectators. It's hard to say who the Western intellectuals have done this year in a more productive way – as if Steven Pinker had just published a new book.

Perhaps the strongest controversy on the planet, Peterson collects millions of views on a two-hour video talk about abstract concepts – the center of interest of YouTube no one has made. Here is an interview of the British GQ on feminism. Here is a performance at the Oxford Club. Here is a controversy over Canadian debates on Munk, associated with Stephen Fray – on the harmful nature of politically correct. Here's an eight-hour debate with Sam Harris – about everything happening in the world. Here, Peterson is interested in the cognitive dissonance of Katie Newman, main channel 4. It seems that there is no more interesting intellectual spectacle in 2018.

Cyril Serebrennikov

Published the film "Summer" and reminded everyone that the future is expected by any country built on state propaganda.

Anton Novoderezhkin TASS via Getty Images

All the 2018th Cyril Serebrennikov has been held in house arrest. In November, the court began to examine the merits of the case. Serebrennikov, as well as other people, were accused of stealing money from the budget. At one of his meetings, he came in T-shirt with a quote from Gogol: "Rus, what do you want from me?" Rus put a world class director on the leg, the FSVPivsky electronic bracelet, and pickled it for over a year in an apartment of 37 square meters.

Serebrennikov was forced to stay at home, her film "Summer" was shown in Cannes and the circumstances that accompanied her only made her symbolism stronger. What did Serebrennikov show? As it was disgusting the Soviet Union. Which society is decaying, built on state lies.

Serebrennikov even raised the film group: it was enough to go through the summer parks near the student dormitory to hear how the "Kino" was again singing on guitar.

Yuri Bardash

Records the best mini-album of the year and gives birth to the same "The eternal beard robs you of God."

YouTube / KinoMost

For the creator of the Kruzheva Music label and the producer of "Mushrooms" Yuri Bardash, the year was uneven. "Mushrooms" turned out to be a butterfly one day – a group if not a hit, then an album. In June, Bardash was extremely at odds with his wife: Face-to-face and face-to-face advertisements on Facebook immediately expanded the memes and immortalized in Telegram's sticker packs. And then he showed the most beloved thing of the public – he spent time when he seemed to be burning.

In November he released a PREDICTOR mini-album – five vowels, aphoristic tracks full of fierce energy ("You" is such a bad! ") And the video of the song PRAKTIKA. has only 300,000 views, which is ten times less than what it takes to be considered a complete hit on YouTube.

Brett Kavano

Contrary to the motion, #MeToo was elected a Supreme Court judge of the United States

The White House / Flickr

Over the past 18 months, two hundred men have lost their jobs, their careers, and their position in society as a result of the scandals raised by the # MeToo movement. The first was Harvey Weinstein, a producer who was able to "make" Oscar-winning films and stars and was convinced that everything was allowed for him.The charges against him were serious and well-founded, and after him, several actors, journalists and studio executives have shadowed in the forgetfulness

Other scandals broke out in American politics. They have lived similar scenarios. A woman accuses the inappropriate behavior of a member of a local parliament, a member of Congress or his key employee. Sometimes the charges are not saved at all and the case does not even reach the court. Sometimes the defendant wins the court (or he justifies the internal investigation) – but this happens already after the destruction of his career. Until the middle of 2018, American politicians understood: to flee, one must go immediately, whether one is guilty or not. Writer Margaret Atwood compared these scandals to the Canadian academic world and the Salem witch hunt.

The passion for #MeToo culminated when President Trump appointed Conservative Brett Kavano to the position of Supreme Court Justice. Kavanau was regularly accused of raping a girl from his school and showing a member of an evening that he had organized with his friends a rape that he had fought on a yacht and that he had fought in the bar, that he had sworn and that he could not hold the position because of an inflammatory nature. The charges came one after the other – the press having discovered that the previous accusations had not been confirmed. Kavano was sworn in and took office in early October 2018.

The scandal had important implications for America: the Democratic reputation and the #MeToo movement were strengthened, Trump had a better chance of being put under a second mandate and a post-traumatic syndrome for journalists. But what is most interesting is that in November, a similar scandal erupted around the "Ukrainian FBI" and his deputy, Olga Varchenko. Ukrainian political technologists are clearly studying American lessons.

Post Malone and Childish Gambino

One of them published a platinum album. The second is the best clip of the year. The two brightest of all reflect everything that is happening now in American culture.

Rich Fury / Getty Images for Bud Light

Charley Gallay / Getty Images for Disney

Actor, screenwriter, rapper and comedian Donald Glover is formulated in 2018 to be a truly gifted artist mature. According to him, two summer hits, the second season of the big series "Atlanta" and the best clip of the year, where Glover collects a grotesque picture of the country – they escaped with money and money. fire arms.

If Glover is a reflection of a Liberal and anti-Trump American, who lives primarily in California and on the east coast, then the opposite of the spectrum, the rapper Post Malone. He embodies all that liberal America sees as the root of evil: passion for profit, indulgence of the worst instincts, gun rights, misogyny. The Washington Post report from Post Malone's concert describes the painter as follows: "The low price of cowboys in rhinestones looks like shit from Nachos's original broth under cheese sauce … His music is the 39, the most threatened species of a hollow rap. " This does not, however, prevent millions of people from dancing under its Rockstar track.

Arkady Babchenko

He died, he was resurrected – and did not change at all.

Sokolovska Ina / UNIAN

Arkady Babchenko, against his will, played the oldest plot on death and resurrection. According to the mythological canon, the hero goes to life after death to restore his rebirth, another man – wiser and stronger. The night that followed the assassination of the assassination, Arkady Babchenko has passed in life after death: "They were taken to the morgue (…)." J & # 39; was lost, wrapped in a sheet, turned on the television and watched the information. "

"He rejected the refusal to show the sums for the deceased compatriots", – wrote about him in the obituary Yuriy Saprykin. He also clearly stated Babchenko's main assumption in his civil journalism: the collective responsibility of the inhabitants of Russia, while "blood has been flowing for a few years for all those who have not actively resisted"

After returning from the realm of the dead in the world of the living, Unlike all cannons, Babchenko has not changed – at least for third-party observers. He continues to lead the index of friends of the circle of the liberal intelligentsia and shouts: "Guilty, I am guilty, I am guilty." The fact that these ten executions take place on facebook gives them a special color: we have not seen it yet in real time, because the invasion of grasshoppers and rains of frogs are gaining in criticism and in words.

Ilon Mask

Titanium of the space and auto industry Again, it did not work, but it was a little broken.

Noah Berger / Bloomberg via Getty Images

In February 2018, Ilon Max sent a red roadster in space, under the classic David Bowie track and to applause from around the world.

Mask publicly insults financial analysts, journalists and a diver who saved children in Thailand. He wrote dubious articles on Twitter and smoked a cabin in live radio broadcasts. The Tesla stock has increased sharply and at a lower cost. The chief accountant and director of the company's staff has resigned. In September, it was announced that an investigation into the company had been initiated by the Securities Commission and the Department of Justice. The mask had to pay a fine of $ 20 million and leave the position of chairman of the board of directors (he remained CEO of Tesla). In summary, all Wired magazine has published documents that can be summarized as follows: Ilon Mask is a dictator and fires workers for the color of their shoes.

However, for Tesla, this year has been a success – it has sold about 150,000 cars. Mask finally completed a task that he himself had defined a few years ago: the company produces five thousand models of the Model 3 brand every week. And imploring that one of the assembly lines is in the "tent" (close to two football fields) in the car park near the factory.

Uba Butler

The author of the most brilliant fekeks of recent years reincarnated for the nonexistent designer Giorgio Peviani – and participated in Fashion Week in Paris.

Facebook / Oobah Butler

In 2017, Uba invented the nonexistent restaurant "Saray in Dalvich" and brought it to the top of TripAdvisor TripAdvisor. In 2018, he went further: Fashion Week in Paris deceived.

On the real estate market, he found cheap jeans under the Giorgio Peaviani brand, printed a pack of business cards from creators, created a site and went to Paris. He has never been to Fashion Week and had no knowledge. In vain, he received an accreditation card, got some impressions, got acquainted with the "infliers" and persuaded one of the guests to be photographed in his jeans "of Mark". With Uba, the models were started, the posters of their blogs panicked, Uba himself made a sephi with celebrities. "Peviani is a new Kavalli, you'll talk about it in the next 10 years." Then Uba returned to London and found the creator of "Peyvani". He was an immigrant from Zambia, a tailor named Adam, who settled in London in 1982.

After Vice had published his story and fell into an avalanche of interview requests, he found several duplicates that he planted. in a setting instead of yourself – and the journalists believed them. It is completely difficult to know how to live in a world where such things are possible.

Yuri Dud

Performed better maintenance of the year and gave birth to an army of imitators.

Facebook / Yuri Dud

The actor Serebryakov reveals himself almost as a consciousness of the nation. Ignorance seems to be vulnerable and afflicted, despite all its voluntary loyalty. Dorenko turns out to be a cynical vagrant who passionately wants to be loved. Nastya Ivleveva is looking for a manicure from the Leningrad region. Yuri Dud and himself – an interesting character, and his characters are even better.

The second year of the life of the transfer, "vDude" began to copy it en masse: start YouTube channels, ask customers for money, head for the most striking quotes, take interim scenes at the second Unfortunately, the essential to copying is how Dud chose the guests and how it works on the "virus" of the video, how he keeps priority in selecting topics of conversation and how to prepare for a interview – it does not work Nikit Mikhalkov, he led the flag for forty minutes, clearly for a well thought out strategy.

Among all those who went on YouTube after Dud, O. Nikolay was "not yet a little" Solodovnikov and, perhaps, Leonid Parfyonov, but he rather takes off A blog on wine gastronomy, and even monologues that Vladimir Putin transforms into Leonid Brezhnev, reads himself under a glass of Chablis. As Arkady Babchenko has not yet scored – this is not clear.

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