Kamala Harris answers questions about her "darkness"


In an interview with DJ Envy and Charlamagne Tha God broadcast Monday, the hosts of the show invited the California Democrat to address a series of derogatory memes broadcast on social networks. One of the hosts cited a meme that Harris was "not African-American" because her parents were immigrants born in India and Jamaica and she had spent her high school years in Canada.

"I was born in Oakland and I'm in the United States, except for the years I was in high school in Montreal, Canada," Harris chuckled. "And look, it's the same thing they did to Barack (Obama) .That's not new to us and so I think we know what they're trying to do." make."

"They are trying to do what has been done, have happened over the past two years, powerful voices trying to sow hatred and division, and so we must recognize when we are played," Harris said. .

One of the hosts then asked Harris how she was reacting. to people who question the "legitimacy of your darkness".

"I think they do not understand who the blacks are," replied Harris. "I'm not going to spend my time trying to educate people about who the blacks are because now, frankly, I'm focusing on, for example, an initiative that I've got that I've got. calls it the "LIFT Act" which is explained by detailing its proposed $ 6,000 tax credit for middle-class Americans.

"I'm black and I'm proud of # To be black, "she said later," I was born black. I will die black, and I will not look for excuses to anyone because they do not understand. "

Mrs. Harris, former Attorney General of the State of California, said that she did not apologize for her violent pursuit of criminals to keep the communities safe, but she added that she would have liked to be able to do more to influence the change "from the inside out She also pointed out her support for the legalization of marijuana.He said to have smoked – a joint, to be precise, adding with a laugh: "I've inhaled."

"I think that gives joy to many people, "she said." And we need more joy. "

The young California senator was also questioned about the criticisms she faced on social media for marrying a white man.

" Look, love my husband, and c & # 39; is he whom I have chosen to marry, because I love him – and it was that time, and that's all, "said Harris." And he loves me, "she added with a laugh.

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