Khakheridy recounted how Shovkovsky sang during performances for "Dynamo"


The former Dynamo defender, Yevhen Khacheridi, remembers a conflict with Kiev club goalkeeper Oleksandr Shkovkovsky

after FootballHub

According to Yevgeny Khacheridi, the outcome of the match against Israeli McCabe in December 2011 at Europa League, In case the defender was getting the withdrawal, a conflict with Aleksander Shovkovsky was taking place in his dressing room

"I have was dismissed from "Maccabi" when I interceded in favor of Aliyev, so I received this information, then Aliyev made inappropriate remarks during the interview. "Shovkovsky entered , it is possible to say, gave laziness, I think it is abnormal, but I think it is abnormal, "said Hacheridi.

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