"Kirkorov in skirt": unsuccessful clothing criticized online by Ani Lorak (photo) – company information


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Network users noted that the artist often chose unsuccessful outfits and criticized his shoes.

  Instagram Ani Lorak "src =" https://images.unian.net/photos/2019_02_02_02_02/ 1549817512-8831.png? 0.5703378437267732 "title =" Instagram Ani Lorak "/> 

<p> Instagram Ani Lorak </p>
<p>  Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak disappointed her fans with new photos, so network users noted that the artist was choosing often unsuccessful outfits and criticism his shoes </p>
<p><span class= Read also "And where is the chest?": Svetlana Loboda provoked controversy over her cleavage on Instagram [19659007] The shot from Ani Lorak is posted on his page in Instagram.

"Circus is spitto", "Kirkorov in skirt, like all this guy, but come only for her …", "Shoes that we do not not even face to face "", "Why should they kick in? You can see that pumped … already.It is not fashionable to pick chicken," – – commented on the network.

As UNIAN reports, Lorak's photos criticized Instagram.

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