Kovalev brought back the title of world champion by taking his revenge at Alvarez


  Kovalev returns to the title of World Champion by taking his revenge to Alvarez

Sergei Kovalev

Sergei Kovalev defeated Eliider Alvarez in a fight against American Frisco and surrendered the belt WBO champion.

In comparison with the first boxing fighters, Kovalev clearly worked on the state of functional readiness, endurance and did not stop working throughout the duel.

The beginning of the battle was to remain for the Russian, but the question of his endurance remained open. At the start of the third round, the Colombian ruled out the cause, which hit the Russian side somewhat, but Kovalev continued to remain active and also very effective.

Alvarez was about to win in the same vein as the first fight. Waiting for Kovalev to return, but never waited. Thus, Kovalev was sometimes lacking dangerously, but showed good endurance and recovered quickly, continuing to control the battle. Sergei obviously did not claim a quick victory. He worked a lot in front of his hand, hit the set of lights and gently picked up his glasses.

On the basis of 12 rounds of judges, unanimity submitted an account in favor of Russia: twice 116-112 and 120-108

Thus, Sergei Kovalev has revenged Eviler Alvarez for his defeat in 2018 and became world champion again.


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