Kremlin: the denial of Russian observers in Ukraine does not mean that Russia will not recognize them – new elections 2019


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The spokesman for the Russian presidency said that "the OSCE had expressed a negative attitude towards the acts committed by the Ukrainian authorities on the issue observers ".

  Russia commented on the denial of Russian observers / photo taken by UNIAN

Russia commented on the refusal of Russian observers / photo UNIAN

In the Kremlin, it is stated that the prevention of observers from Russia is in decline is the legitimacy of the election of the president of Ukraine, but that does not mean that the RF will not recognize them.

According to the UNIAN correspondent in Russia, the press secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

See also ] Russia will send two observers, despite the ban imposed by Ukraine – media

"You know that the OSCE has expressed a negative attitude to the actions of the Ukrainian authorities on the issue of observers.We also consider that any restriction on the work of observers from one of the countries is inadmissible.In this case, Russian observers, and we believe that such discriminatory measures will naturally lead to a weakening of the legitimacy of elections, "said Peskov.

With regard to UNIAN, does this mean that the Russian Federation might not recognize the election of the President of Ukraine, Peskov: "No, that does not mean that Russia may not recognize it, but in this case, it is obvious to the international community that discriminatory measures against one of the countries or groups of countries lead to a decrease in the level of legitimacy. "

As reported by UNIAN, on February 6, the AMF countries pointed out that will not accept any application from any holder of a passport for the registration of official observers in elections in Ukraine. The ministry said the refusal to register Russian passport holders does not contradict Ukraine 's international obligations in terms of free and democratic elections.

On February 7, the Verkhovna Rada banned Russian citizens from being official observers in the elections of the Ukrainian president, Ukrainian people's deputies and local elections. 232 People's deputies voted in favor of the law "On Amendments to Certain Ukrainian Laws on Election Observation in Ukraine" (No. 9524)

The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, pledged to issue an order to the state border guard service prohibiting Russian observers from participating in the Ukrainian elections in 2019

Inghiborg Solrun Gisladottir, director of the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. man of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, is disappointed with the decision of the Ukrainian parliament to ban the Russians from monitoring the elections. executives in Ukraine. She said that the ban on Russian observers participating in the observation mission following the presidential election was contrary to the commitment of Ukraine vis-à-vis vis-à-vis the OSCE and its member countries.

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