Kuzma with us: Scriabin's family restored the hottest memories of the musician


Four years ago, early February, Ukraine lost its "truth", a man who always said everything he thought. Fathers Andriy Kuzmenko, leader of the group "Scriabin", still believe – a son after, he looks from the sky and would not want to see in the eyes of his tears.

All life – a penguin dance: close to Scriabin

  Andriy Kuzmenko, leader of the Ukrainian group

Andriy Kuzmenko, head of the Ukrainian group "Scriabin"

With a particular warmth, remembers his Father. Viktor Kuzmich admits: at Andrew's death, it seemed that all this horror would never end. But I had to resign and continue to live with this loss.

  Viktor Kuzmich and Olga Mikhailovna Kuzmenki

Viktor Kuzmich and Olga Kuzmenki

"Every day with my wife, and even several times a day, I went to his grave (Kuzma is buried at Bryukhovitsy cemetery near Lviv.) His fans also go there endlessly, and it's very nice for us, because all these people were able to share this sorrow with us, each taking his own piece. "

  Andriy Kuzmenko, leader of the Ukrainian group

Andriy Kuzmenko, leader of the Ukrainian group "Scriabin"

Drowned by Kuzme co Jr. just mum, dad – no. Viktor Kuzmich assumes that it is because he rarely visits his grave:

  Andriy Kuzmenko, head of the Ukrainian group

Andriy Kuzmenko, head of the Ukrainian group "Scriabin"

"But from the mother and admirers And in a dream everyone appears dressed in white, it is said that he is tired and wants to rest, encourages others, says that life lasts, he does not want to do anything. it is not necessary to hang one's nose, that is to say that everyone sees it as he knew it "

" Mom, I'll be a musician "

  Andriy Kuzmenko, leader of the Ukrainian group

NDry Kuzmenko, head of the Ukrainian group "Scriabin"

Scriabin was a positive person during his lifetime. Anyway, he always tried to find a way out of the situation and help the family. Maybe that's why he went to the medical institute, although he wanted to sing – the music seemed more appealing. Until the decisive step was taken:

  Andriy Kuzmenko, leader of the Ukrainian group

Andriy Kuzmenko, head of the Ukrainian group "Scriabin"

"He brought the diploma, showed and reported: I am going to the Chervona Ruta festival in Chernivtsi." At that time, I replied that once I had chosen the music, I would not Had no return without a winner, then they had taken third place. "We had to follow our mother and we accept, that our son will not be doctor.But if, honestly, they thought that he would start to the music and would take his head.But no, it was the same thing vocation "- says the father of the deceased actor

See: Scriabin – Mom

And a real" gray cardinal "in the best meaning of the word was the mother of Andrew, Olga.

  Mother Scriabin, Olga Kuzmenko

Mama of Scriabin, Olga Kuzmenko

When so A son did not want to leave the garden, he received a guitar to entertain himself – the child quickly changed the nervous state of calm, he was interested in everything from ropes to notes. However, she was not the only woman to support him.

Love is stronger than death

  Andriy Kuzmenko, head of the Ukrainian group

Andriy Kuzmenko, head of the Ukrainian group "Scriabin" with his wife

The wife of Andri is every year, as the widow belongs, dressed in black. To mourn, without even thinking of forgetting the beloved. Andriy Kuzmenko, head of the Ukrainian group "Скрябін" "class =" lazy-image "style =" background-color: rgba (107,90,122,1) "/>

Andriy Kuzmenko, the leader of the Ukrainian band "Scriabin"

He has been able to wake her in the middle of the night: "Get up, you must read it" and display the text of a new song. How to refuse here, when all the compositions that Scriabin wrote about them are two, although they put in other subjects. They lived a soul at heart, despite the fact that the move to Kiev coincided with a difficult period – the late 90s. A bit of Basa was born, which Andrew named in the honor of his beloved Soviet actress Barbara Brilskaya.

View: Scriabin – The Penguin Dance

His wife saved him from despair, when there were many scandals around the song "Penguin Dance" – this became a personal tragedy of the musician, the decisive points of the group were warned. Kuzma was criticized for taking part in political actions, but he could not refuse to sign a contract with the channel.

  Andriy Kuzmenko, leader of the Ukrainian group

Andriy Kuzmenko, head of the Ukrainian group "Scriabin", died of an accident

. That was the case, but people really appreciate it only when it is not the case – it's sad but true. But their relatives are sure: they do not go away forever, they are side by side in the lyrics of their songs.

View: About personal – memories of family members and friends of Andriy Kuzmenko

See: The unknown charity of Scriabin

Recall that Ukrainian singer Christina Solovyi recorded a soundtrack of the historical film "Kruty 1918", based on real events.

According to the portal "Know.ua", DeLsa's girlfriend talked about the hatred of Putin and the Ukrainian roots of the artist. In addition, "ZnYu.ua" wrote that a list of deceased stars is too early.

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