Lake on Mars: Will the colonization of the planet find a reservoir of water?


European scientists studying Mars using the Marsis space probe found a huge lake, consisting of liquid water, beneath the surface of the red planet. It's a real sensation. The fact that liquid water on Mars could be somewhere was guessed before, but there was no solid evidence of that.

Ivan Yakovin said in his video blog "Crazy World"

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"The Marsis probe irradiated the surface of the planet with a special radar.Through stone and sand, but reflected by the liquid.Here this radar and found near the South Pole, an underground lake – a little less than 20 kilometers in diameter, we can not define its depth, but it is exactly at least two meters away.

But even with only two meters – it's a gigantic volume of water that will incredibly facilitate the colonization of Mars. One can drink water, extracting oxygen for breathing, hydrogen for rocket engines and mineral salts for fertilizers and the chemical industry.

Scientists say, by the way, that such There may be many lakes, and I think that in the future human settlements will be nstruites right next to them. Although we do not understand very well why the water of these lakes does not freeze. That is, it is clear that it is very mineralized and that it is under high pressure – it makes its freezing difficult. But there should be less 70! In other words, it must still freeze. But no. As it is – until it is very clear,
– Yakovina pointed out.

As for life – in this lake too everything is difficult. If there is really too much cold and the salt solution is really very thick, then the well-known life can not exist there. But if suddenly there is a source of energy that hinders the lake (purely hypothetical), then life can exist there. This is true, it will be much more interesting for us to know what kind of energy it is. Because it should not be there in principle!

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"But in any case, this discovery is incredibly important.Now there is absolutely no justification for refusing to steal and colonization of this planet ", – added Yakovina.

Full Video of Ivan Yakovin's "Crazy World" Videoblog for July 27, 2018

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