Latest News: Charges: The suspect was unaware that the police were at the door


The latest on a suspect indicted for firing on a Milwaukee police officer (all local time):


Authorities claim that a man from Milwaukee was accused of killing a police officer mean a search warrant told investigators that he did not know that they were police officers trying to break his door.

Jordan P. Fricke, 26, was charged on Sunday with first degree murder and other crimes. during the fatal shootout Wednesday of 35-year-old officer Matthew Rittner.

Rittner was part of a tactical application unit and was using a ram to knock on the door of Fricke's kitchen. A policeman shouted "police" and almost immediately, four shots were fired by opening the door from inside the house. Rittner died as a result of a gunshot wound in his chest.

According to the criminal complaint, Fricke reportedly told investigators that he had heard people shouting at his door screaming "police" but he did not think it was actually the police who was trying to break up his home.



Prosecutors accused a 26-year-old man of shooting a police officer in Milwaukee.

Jordan P. Fricke of Milwaukee was shot and killed. Accused Sunday of the first-degree willful homicide of 35-year-old agent Matthew Rittner, convicted of first-degree willful homicide and other crimes. The authorities arrested Fricke shortly after the shooting.

Police claim that Fricke was the target of the arrest warrant and was wanted for illegal sale of firearms and drugs. Authorities say officers have announced themselves as police officers and Fricke fired several shots, striking Rittner

Rittner was the third Milwaukee officer killed in the line of duty in eight months.

Fricke remained in jail on Sunday. The court records do not mention any lawyer who could speak for him.

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