Lawyer sued Apple for mistakes with FaceTime


Attorney Houston, USA, Larry Williams II filed a lawsuit against Apple. He claims that his iPhone accidentally allowed an unknown person to hear his personal conversation with the customer. Bloomberg writes about it.

Apple has been criticized for iOS 12.1 software bugs for iPhone, allowing a third party to listen to video chat conversations with FaceTime.

Williams said the crash violated the privacy of "more intimate conversations without consent," according to a lawsuit he filed in a Houston state court. He stated that he had been obeyed when he had testified under oath during the client's testimony.

Apple representatives did not immediately respond to calls and e-mails by asking them to comment on the complaint. The error has allowed the user to call FaceTime and automatically start to hear another person before she picks up the phone. Another person did not know that someone who called them was hearing.

On Monday, Apple solved the problem, the company announced that it would issue a software update later this week to solve the problem.

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