LG G8 ThinQ – one of the few flagship products with a ToF sensor in the front camera


Three-dimensional Time-of-Flight (ToF) scanning technology, demonstrated by Vivo last year, is becoming more prevalent among batch processing models. However, in most cases, it is installed in the main camera system – ToF can be used not only for augmented reality applications, but also to help the autofocus system. But LG built ToF in front of the camera. And there are their reasons for that.

First, we are also talking here about the applications of virtual reality completed. Secondly, such bulk scanning technology works better with scattered light than other similar technologies. At LG unspecified, ToF will be used to unlock the smartphone by the face, but, apparently, will be. The developers, however, noted that the creator of the solution was Infineon and that soon its ToF camera would be used not only in high-end smartphones, but also in mid-range models. an image sensor that will respond to photos and videos.

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