Logins won the sprint race at the COP stadium for biathlon, subcontractor closed the Top 25


This item is available in Russian

The second race was held at the Oberhof competition

  The winner became the best Ukrainian in the sprint of the World Cup / biathlon.com.ua

The winner has become the best Ukrainian sprint in the World Cup scene / biathlon.com.ua

Our athlete was 25 years old

The Ukrainian missed the lines of fire twice and left the winner of the race for 2 minutes and 5 seconds

The 37th place finished the race of Sergei Semenov – the same 2 missed and more significant latency at the speed – 2 minutes 26.8 seconds Artem Primii – 48th place, 3 missed and a delay in 2: 47.2 minutes. But Ruslan Tkalenko has not been able to enter the Top 60 and qualify for the race to the persecution, which will take place tomorrow, Saturday. He dropped to 61st place with 2 defeats and 3: 07.3 behind

The winner of the race was Russian Alexander Loginov with a result of 25 minutes 50.9 seconds (0 defeats)

Saturday, a men's and women's race will take place. persecution and Sunday – 4×6 km classic relay. in women and 4×7,5 km. at men's.

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