Lukashenka threatened Moscow with losing only one ally: a reaction from Russia appeared


In Russia, they reacted to the critical statements of Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko on the maneuver in the field of education and relations between the two countries. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation is convinced that there is no doubt that we will strengthen the affinities of Russia and Byelorussia.

This was reported by the Russian newspaper RIA Novosti

Also read: "Nobody will bend anyone here": Lukashenka made an unexpected statement about unification with Russia

As the l & # 39; wrote channel 24, the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, said that Russia could lose its "only ally" to the West because of the lack of provisions to compensate for fiscal maneuvers in the sector oil.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia has responded to such statements by the Belarussian leader. The official representative of the department, Maria Zakharova, said that the strategic course followed by Russia to strengthen its relations with Belarus was not called into question.

With regard to Mr. Lukashenka's statements. Belarus is our reliable ally, our partner. The way forward for developing strategic cooperation with Minsk is beyond doubt. This is particularly inscribed in the concept of foreign policy of our country
she declared

. At the same time, Zakharova noted that a corresponding Russian-Belarusian working group had been set up for this purpose.

By the way, the President of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Vyacheslav Volodin, announced the completion of the draft Concept of approximation of the laws of Russia and Belarus. states that this step is a prerequisite for the intensification of economic cooperation within the State of the Union

. In addition, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the military doctrine of the State of the Union which includes the Russian Federation and Belarus, while the Kremlin said that one does not is not currently discussing Russian and Belarusian associations.

What kind of exercise is said? In early November, Minsk and Moscow entered an active phase of negotiations on the compensation mechanism of the Belarusian party by the introduction of alleged fiscal maneuvers in the oil industry in the Federation of Russia. The mechanism provides for a progressive reduction of export duties on oil and petroleum products, which will lead to higher oil prices for Belarus and a reduction in export duties on petroleum products, which are currently the main source of income. ofitsytu budget and assigned to the repayment of the external debt.

According to the Belarusian Ministry of Finance, revenue loss of sales tax maneuver in Russia in 2019 will be about $ 300 million. This will result in an annual increase in the price of oil in Belarus above $ 20 per tonne, which will significantly reduce the profitability of oil refining in Belarus. In addition, under the conditions of a single customs territory with Russia, Belarus will also be obliged to cancel the export duties on oil and petroleum products.

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