Belarusian and Russian presidents Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin, said at the meeting of the summit of the Eurasian Economic Union in St. Petersburg.
TUT.BY reported that
Lukashenka pointed out that Gazprom's tariff for the transport of natural gas to Belarus is almost $ 3 per 1,000 cubic meters. m to 100 km and the domestic tariff in Russia is about 1 dollar per 1,000 cubic meters. m per hundred kilometers. And in the structure of the price of gas for Belarus, transport costs of Russian territory exceed 70%.
Putin replied that if Belarus had a gas market price, it would reach $ 200 per thousand cubic meters. m instead of 127 and 129 dollars
"We have developed a road map by 2025, when we have to coordinate single markets for oil, petroleum products and gas." As for the current situation is that the tariff is not important, but A final price of gas, which includes this tariff, but beware that today's 129 dollars by thousand in Belarus will be 127 dollars next year and in Germany 250 dollars, "said the Russian president.
Putin added that membership of the EAEC has the same benefits.
" It does not should not be 250 dollars in Belarus. But if Belarus does not have the advantages of integration I would prefer to form a price based on the principles of the market, it would be neither $ 129, nor $ 127, but $ 200. That's the difference, "added the President of Russia.
Lukashenka called such incorrect calculations
" It's wrong with you We live in worse conditions than the L & R " Germany, as they fought together against Germany, and our people who have not yet died after the war is in this situation: they have $ 200, but we are at $ 130 because we must travel three thousand more kilometers, so the price is ", – said the President of Belarus.
Putin then proposed to continue the discussion later in the closing. YMI
" When the media leaves the room, we podyskutuyemo. "- said the President of Russia
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