Maduro broke off diplomatic relations with the United States


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It gave the American diplomats 72 hours to leave the country.

  Maduro declared that the United States was committing a

Maduro declared that the United States commits a "serious error" / Medios Públicos EP

The President of Venezuela, Nicholas Maduro, said that diplomatic relations with the United States had been interrupted after the Trump administration.

CNBC Reports Reuters

Addressing supporters to the Presidential Palace in Caracas, Maduro said he was giving 72 hours to US diplomats to allow them to leave Venezuela.

Read also The opposition leader of Venezuela declares himself president, supported by Trump

Canada, Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia, Peru and the United States Chile support the opposition leader of Venezuela. Mexico said it was not considering changing its Venezuelan policy for the moment

On January 23, Venezuela began mass protests against President Nicholas Maduro . Head of the National Opposition Assembly of Venezuela, Huang Guaido has declared himself president of the country. The National Assembly has in turn announced that Guaido was acting as president of the country.

The White House announced that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, had officially recognized him as the legitimate leader of Venezuela.

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