Makarevich excited the fasting network on Russia


The famous musician and Time Machine leader, Andrew Makarevich, ridiculed Russian propagandists who tormented Ukraine with mud for over four years.

This was written by a Facebook musician. "Four years later, our ideological front generals were shouting on television about Ukraine, every day, more precisely, every morning, day and night, they are upset, indignant, stupid, ironic, even (you!) – they sympathize, "he laughed.

"Not about Putin and Medvedev, nor about Rogozin and Shoigu, nor about the pensions and salaries of our citizens, not about the wonderful new initiatives of our Duma – have you disappeared?" About Ukraine and Poroshenko A bit more about Trump – in connection with Ukraine, of course: four years and a few times a day, this is not enough for anyone who imagines it But the ours are enough, and here is the Ukrainian election on the nose – the truth and the well televised are just beginning! Really – there was no Ukraine, it would have to be ##################################################################### 39, it appears, "concluded Makarevich

The post of the musician has aroused strong criticism on the network. In 7 hours, he collected more than 5,000 "I like", about 1,000 reminders and several hundred comments. We publish the most popular of them:

"I have always wondered as a resident of a third country.What are the affairs of Russia in Ukraine? 39, do not worry from morning till night for Azerbaijan or Latvia … for your country, than Ukraine as France, as Zimbabwe … an independent and independent state, and that 39 they would not engage, what would be the cause of this Russia, you would say "brother country", so there were 14 in Russia, why did others remain unattended? attention and discussion on all channels and the media? " – was surprised by Farida Tsurumbekova.

"And for us ** … we continue to eat Russian sniggers, with ** you are under the protection of Russia and you eradicate Russian culture … even if it is a long time ago has little (as in the good memory left in Russia) – wrote Oleg Melnychenko.

.] "When I think of Vysotsky, I understand that he left to not see all this abomination , which is perhaps the worst Sovka, and I have not listened and listened to his songs for a long time. Akim also remained … An example of honor – in life, everything sets in … "- writes Uriel Stern.

According to OBOZREVATEL, Makarevich described as serious error the Invasion of Russia in Ukraine

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