Manafort challenges Mueller's accusations that he lied. sentenced to appear in court Friday


The order comes as Manafort's legal team continued to challenge the evidence that prosecutors had presented to show a judge that he had lied on five issues during his cooperative interviews and his testimony before the court. a grand jury.

Manafort has not been publicly seen since October. went into a wheelchair hearing because he was suffering from gout. He argued that transportation from Alexandria Prison, Virginia, to the Federal Courthouse in Washington, DC was taking too much time.

Jackson stated that Manafort had ignored too many hearings in his criminal trial and that Friday was particularly important to him. At this hearing, Jackson plans to discuss how prosecutors allege that Manafort broke his plea agreement by lying in cooperative interviews and testifying before a grand jury.

"Given the number of appearances, the accused was allowed to give up, the importance of the issues involved and the fact that he is available to consult a lawyer can reduce the risk that the position of the defense on the issues under discussion changes after the hearing, the accused's motion is dismissed, "wrote Jackson in Wednesday's order. [19659005] Earlier this month, special advocate Robert Mueller said that Manafort had lied about topics such as "contact with officials of the administration".

Mueller also stated that Manafort had lied about his interactions with Konstantin Kilimnik. Mueller said Kilimnik had links with Russian military intelligence accused of hacking the Democrats, and Mueller's team has already explained how the two men could have collaborated to manipulate the witnesses after the attack. 39, arrest of Manafort last year.

Manafort's lawyers were dismissed on Wednesday. the qualification of the special advocate.

"Put in context, most of the evidence presented by the (Office of the Special Counsel) simply demonstrates a lack of consistency in remembering certain facts and events from Mr. Manafort," they write.

RELATED: Mueller confirms that Kilimnik is at the center of the grand jury investigation

In discussing the various times Manafort lied to the trial with prosecutors or before the grand jury, Manafort's lawyers say they have provided information "to the best of its memories". "According to the authority," the defense attorneys agree that Manafort may have said inaccurate things but corrected them in the same interview.

] In all, Manafort spoke with Mueller's office nine times after his plea last September and testified before a federal grand jury twice.

"Such sessions are often stressful for the witnesses and there is nothing unusual or inconvenient to refresh the memories of the witnesses," Manafort's lawyers wrote.

Wednesday's briefing provides additional details of what the investigators are doing or what Manafort has said in its cooperation. ons. Previous court files on the subject, such as this one, have been heavily redacted.

However, an error in the deletions of the last record of the Manafort team revealed how Manafort had discussed data from a survey with Kilimnik in the 2016 presidential election, as well as Proposed peace of Ukraine, and meeting with him in Madrid

Manafort's defense team did not make the same drafting error this time around. But they suggested additional information, namely an SMS exchange after the arrest of Manafort, where a contact asked to use his name with the president. In the new file, Manafort's lawyers say that the text was written by a person who wanted to report to the president and sought to remove the name of Manafort. The incident was part of several alleged communications with the Trump administration that Manafort might have had after the inauguration and even after his arrest, according to prosecutors.

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