March 2019 Women – CNN


The leadership of the March of Women speaks in Washington and assaults the elephant in the hall: accusations of anti-Semitism in the movement.

"In the past year, my sisters of Women's March and I have been accused of damaging my soul," said Carmen Perez-Jordan, a board member. # 39; administration. "Charges of Anti-Semitism and Neglect of Our Family LGBTQIA And I want to be unequivocal in stating that Women's March, me and my sisters condemn antisemitism, homophobia and transphobia in all their forms. "

Tamika Mallory, one of the movement's co-chairs, echoed these sentiments by saying, "To all my sisters, I see you."

"To my Muslim sisters, I see you," Mallory said. "I see you at my Latina sisters, I see you at my Asian sisters, I see you at my disabled sisters, and at my Jewish sisters: Do not let anyone tell you who I am, I see you all."

About the controversy: Today's protests are allegations of anti-Semitism against leaders of the National Women's March Inc. and Washington's main march that have prompted organizers of rallies from other cities to dissociate themselves from this group. A few days after the mid-term elections of 2018, the founder of the March of Women called four leaders to resign for allegedly leaving bigotry to their mission. through trainings and discussions – promises that people associate with the group believe are ongoing.

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