Mark pregnant was accused of lying


A Brief Sister of Sussex, The Wife of Prince Harry Megan Mark, Accused of Lies

According to the Daily Mail, Samantha announced on Twitter the publication of his second book entitled " In the shadow of the Duchess 2 ". So, in her creation, she denied the fact that they were never close to Megan. In addition, the Duchess's sister promised to show many photos that would confirm the close relationship that unites them, Megan and their father, Thomas.

"You will like some of the pictures in my book that refute your bad gossips with the trolls We did not have a life together", – commented Samantha.

In addition, she called Mega to take their kinship and undergo a lie detector test.

"I your sister, even if you do not really like her." I guess each of us must pass the test ", – added Samantha

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