Masha Efrosinina showed her 15 year old elegant daughter Nana


A rare photo of the daughter of a famous presenter

  Akhtym Seitabliev with his daughter "title =" Akhtym Seitabliev with his daughter "/ <span> Akhtym Seitablayev showed a photo with a charming girl [19659003] A 15-year-old girl from the Star Dance Masha Efrosinina – Nana – completely avoids advertising, so she mostly saw her star mother with a young son, Alexander, and Efrosinin's followers on Instagram even blamed him that she only gives attention and love to her youngest child.However, Masha explained that in fact, Nana avoids cameras </p>
<p>  READ THIS: Masha Yes Rosinin declassified her dearest dream </p>
<p>  And finally, Efrosinina quenched her thirst for curious followers, after posting a picture of her daughter in her microblogging, in the picture, Nana poses in a minimalist t-shirt, a denim mini skirt, sunglasses and a bag at the waist. </p>
<p>  LI RE: In two drops: Masha Efrosinina was showing a picture with her mother </p>
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In the description of the picture, Mom shared her idea of ​​her daughter's future education:

"When I was a kid, About Overseas, I worried myself the same way as flying in space. Outside, I felt everything, especially chewing gum 🙂 Today, my daughter and her generation do not feel the boundaries and geography of knowledge! I congratulate him! So, on February 9 and 10, we will go to the show. I remember that a visit to such an event a year ago was very effective for us: we chose an interesting option for a group trip to the United States during the summer holidays. Nanochka was then enthusiastic about the trip and particularly delighted in English. I hope that this time we will not be more lucky. Yet the question is very serious. There will be representatives of universities in the United States, England, Canada and Europe … no matter how many years your child has, it is time to go there. "

READ MORE: Masha Efrosinina showed eating for breakfast, lunch, and dinner [19659010] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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