Medvedev Confusion in the elevator is on the video


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. Published executives of the unsuccessful journey of Medvedev in the elevator.

<img alt = "Dmitry Medvedev / REUTERS" src = "" Dmitry Medvedev / REUTERS [196459005] Dmitry Medvedev / REUTERS

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The head of the Russian government went to inspect one of the cabins.When the elevator door began to close suddenly, the guardian immediately reacted: a staff member OSV did not leave the iron gates shut and the other pressed the call button, reports TVC.RU and published a video of the incident

As a result, Medvedev safely left the danger zone, his embarrassment was found on the video.

"Employee The SFO refused in a manner nt interested to leave the elevator with Medvedev, "they joked on Twitter.

Earlier it was reported that RosMMI falsified not only the growth of Vladimir Putin, but also Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. 19659011] If you find an error, select it with the mouse and click on Ctrl + Enter

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