Megan Mark wrote an unexpected message to his father


The letter surrounded all media in just a few hours.

The relationship between Megan Mark and her father Thomas can hardly be called good. After a marriage with Prince Harry, the man literally became the protagonist of all editions and TV shows: Thomas publicly spoke of the relationships of the newlyweds, Megan, criticized the royal family, pursued his daughter and even spoke negatively to Elizabeth II. At the same time, the man claimed that he did not understand why Megan did not want to talk to him. However, at that time, Duchess Sasekka tried to establish a relationship with her father, informs Ukr.Media.

According to the publication People, Megan sent a letter to Thomas to establish a relationship. Close friends of the reporter quoted the lines of the message:

"Dad, my heart is broken, I love you, I have a father … Stop torturing me with your speeches in the media so that we can establish a relationship. "

Thomas responded to a girl's letter with only one condition: to hold a joint photo shoot. Apparently, family pictures filming a man wanting to sell the media. However, Kensington Palace prohibits Mark from complying with Thomas' request.

Moreover, it is notorious that in recent years no man has attempted to contact Megan. And even ignored the invitation to the royal wedding: when the car arrived for Thomas, he just did not sit there.

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