Michael Moore claims that Dems must accept Ocasio-Cortez, from the far left, to head the party: "More ground for agreement"


Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore said US representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the new leader of the Democratic Party, while urging political moderates to take a stand because "there is more of a middle ground ". [19659004] "She is the leader. Everyone knows it. Everyone feels it, "said Moore about New York's first congressman during an interview Friday at MSNBC.

Moore stated that the minimum age required to run as a candidate in the presidency – 35 years – should be amended by the Constitution so that Ocasio-Cortez can play the White House Ocasio-Cortez is the leader of a movement, citing a Fox News poll showing that voters were in favor of his proposal to increase the tax rate to 70% for the wealthiest Americans.


Moore also urged Supporters from a moderate point of view to "take a stand" in response to a question of whether a person like Ocasio-Cortez, endowed with a very progressive policy, could disable moderates.] CLICK HERE FOR GET THE FOX NEWS APP

"If you are moderate, stop being moderate. Take a stand, "said Moore. "There is no more ground for understanding. There is no way to consider that someone is receiving a living wage. "Well, I'm a moderate, so I think they could get half of that living wage."

"You know, on the question of choice, there is no way halfway, you are either for that or for yourself" Do you believe in the equal rights for them? women? Do you think we should have an amendment on equal rights? There is no ground for agreement. There is no time for moderation, "he continued.

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