The Payment of an Unconditional Basic Income to Unemployed Finnish Citizens did not result in the fact that they started looking for a job.
For two years – from January 2017 to December 2018 – The country set up an experiment and paid 2,000 unemployed citizens a monthly payment of $ 634 without any conditions.
The purpose of the experiment is to understand how this will affect their behavior – in particular, if they will start looking for work.
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It turned out that the payments did not affect the employment rates of the participants in the job. study. However, they began to feel happier and their feelings of stress decreased.
In 2017, Finland became the first country to decide on the idea of an unconditional basic income. The experiment was coordinated by a government agency responsible for social security issues (Kela).
What is an unconditional income and how does it work?
The idea of unconditional basic income implies that every citizen of a country receives from the government a guaranteed sum of money, regardless of income and work.
Experimental conditions in Finland, it was a little different: it concerned exclusively unemployed citizens
Another variant of this idea concerns unconditional basic services: when, instead of guaranteed income, citizens have the right, for example, to free education or treatment.