The European Space Agency (ESA) conducts studies to reveal the secret of the toxicity of lunar dust . As the agency's website reported, after the Apollo astronauts returned to Earth, the dust that covered their suits dried them up and their eyes melted into tears.
NASA astronaut Harrison Smith called the phenomenon "fever," during the Apollo 17 mission, similar symptoms were observed among the 12 people who went to the moon. Some of them sneezed, breathing in dust and some reacted a few days later. Inside the spacecraft, the dust gave off a smell of burnt powder. "We do not know how dangerous this dust is, but rather evaluate the degree of risk associated with it," said one of the researchers Kim Prisk
Moon dust contains silicates – a material often found in the celestials. body with volcanic activity. Miners on the earth suffer from lung burns and scars from inhaling silicates. The Moon was so abrasive that it destroyed the layers on the astronaut's boots and also destroyed the vacuum sealed containers containing specimens on Apollo.
This dust is fine, like powder, and sharp like glass. The low gravity of the moon allows small particles to hang longer on the surface, making it deeper into the lungs. "Particles are 50 times smaller than human hair and can stay in the lungs for months," says Kim.The exact damage from inhaling these dusts is unknown, but research shows that it can destroy the cells of the lungs and the brain
On the Earth, small particles become smooth due to erosion with water and wind.However, the monthly dust is strong and In addition, there is no atmosphere on the Moon – and it is constantly bombarded by solar radiation which, in turn, electrostatically charges the ground.This charge can be so strong that the dust rises above the lunar surface, increasing the risk that it falls into the device and, consequently, the human lungs.
To test the equipment and behavior of the dust lunar, ESA in the volcanic region of Germany. [19659007] Read also: The Young Moon was surrounded by a metal gas atmosphere – Scientists
Earlier scientists have stated that on the moon is possible "in the moonlight" . The moon is squeezed and distorted under the influence of Earth's gravity. Recently, a crack was discovered on the planet's satellite.