Moscow named the conditions for the restoration of the DRSMD


  Moscow named the conditions for the restoration of the DRSMD

. The topography of Russia requires a significant weakening of the American shock potential.

Russia demands that the United States meet a number of conditions for the resumption of the Intermediate-Range Missile-Elimination Treaty (DRSMD). This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Igor Konashenkov, reported Interfax Thursday, February 7.

"The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has proposed to the US side, during the period before the expiry of the validity of the DRSMD, to take the necessary steps to return to strict compliance with the Treaty ", did he declare.

According to Konashenkov, Russia proposes to the United States to destroy the launchers of the MK-41 launcher deployed ashore. He said the United States had developed them for launching Tomahawk cruise missiles.

In addition, Washington has proposed the destruction of target missiles, whose characteristics are similar to those of ballistic missiles on the ground, medium range and inferior range.

It is also recommended that the United States destroy UAV personnel. Konashenkov said that these planes "were characteristics of the expression" ground cruise missile "as defined in the Treaty (DRSMD).

It is also noted that the US military attache in Moscow is invited to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the presentation of a note On the question of DRSMD.

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