Mount Carmel Hospital System: Dr. William Husel's License Suspended Due to Overdose and Death Review


Columbus, Ohio – Allegations that a doctor working for an Ohio hospital system reportedly ordered dozens of patients to take pain relievers for dozens of patients, resulting in the death of the patient. at least 28 people in two hospitals.

The Mount Carmel Hospital System in Columbus, Columbus, reported that six more patients in Dr. William Husel's care had received larger doses of fentanyl than needed for their comfort, but did not receive the same amount of fentanyl. were probably not at the origin of their deaths. Patients who died under Husel's care had various conditions and were between 39 and 83 years old.

The hospital system acknowledged that Husel had been withdrawn from patients' service only four weeks after concerns were expressed about his prescribing habits. Three patients died during these weeks after receiving excessive doses of fentanyl prescribed by Husel, said Mount Carmel

The hospital apologized and put six pharmacists and 14 nurses on administrative leave during the course of the week. 'investigation. Neither Husel nor his lawyers commented on the allegations.

WBNS-TV, affiliated with CBS, reports that Christine Allison says she's grieved the death of her husband, Troy Allison. Her lawyers, Craig Tuttle and Gerald Leeseberg, said the 44-year-old excavator died a few hours after her visit to Mount Carmel West Hospital.

Troy and Christine Allison died after receiving a lethal dose of fentanyl at Mount Carmel West Hospital, according to the family's attorney.


Part of his medical file provided by the lawyers shows that Troy Allison had received 1,000 micrograms of fentanyl, a lethal dose, according to the lawyers.

"There are too many things here to admit that it's an accident," Leeseberg "I want to know what happened, I want answers," said Christine Allison. "I'm still in shock."

Timeline shows investigation into suspected overdose of pain medication

A review of events that have occurred to date, based on information provided by the Mount Carmel Hospital System, details of prosecution and testimonials from members of the patient's family:

oct. 25: Mount Carmel, based in Columbus, receives an official report on the care provided by Husel.

November 19: Mount Carmel receives a second official report on Husel's care and expands his internal investigation.

November 21: Mount Carmel receives a third report and prohibits Husel from providing patient care.

5: Mount Carmel fires Husel, informs the Ohio State Medical Council, and meets with Franklin County Attorney, Ron O. Brien. Two days later, the hospital notified the Ohio Pharmacy and Nursing Councils.

Dec. 24 11: Mount Carmel begins training staff on changes to existing and updated procedures and policies.

27: Mount Carmel for the first time contacts families of patients affected by Husel's actions to inform and apologize.

14: A first lawsuit is brought concerning the deaths, against the health system, of a pharmacist, a nurse and Husel, alleging an "excessively excessive" dosage of fentanyl, powerful painkiller, who was ordered to hasten the death of Janet, 79 years old Kavanaugh in December 2017.

The same day, the allegations against Husel are made public while the hospital system issued a statement revealing the deaths of 27 patients who received potentially life-threatening doses of pain medication. The president and CEO of the hospital, Ed Lamb, apologizes and says that he is investigating how this has happened. In an internal video released to employees on the same day, Lamb said Husel's orders were executed by employees who "made bad decisions" and did not know what protective measures existed.

16: In the first public comments of a family member, David Austin, from Columbus, said that he felt "as if someone had given me a kick in the chest "when he was informed of the alleged circumstances of the death of his wife, Bonnie Austin, for 36 years, in September. On the same day, Mount Carmel announced that it had identified a 28th patient. Husel's lawyers publish their first "no comment".

January 17: The widow of a man treated by Husel said that the announcement of the death of her husband had left her shocked that such a scenario could occur despite procedural and technological safeguards . Christine Allison of Columbus said that "the system failed spectacularly" in the case of her husband, Troy, 44 years old.

19: The Ohio Department of Health confirms its investigation of Husel on behalf of the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

24: Mount Carmel acknowledges that Husel continued to work for four weeks after the concern was raised last fall. He also indicates that he is currently studying whether some patients have received excessive doses while they might still have had the opportunity to improve with the treatment. The hospital brings to 34 the total number of patients receiving excessive doses of pain medication.

January 25: The state medical council suspends Husel's license. The doctor invoked his right not to incriminate himself when he met with representatives this week and was questioned. Two more lawsuits were filed following the deaths of Joanne Bellisari, 69 in May 2015 and Jim Allen, 80, in May 2018, bringing the number of prosecutions to six on Friday.

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