Mueller News: The Calls of Donald Trump Jr. Prior to the Trump Tower Meeting, Explained


When Donald Trump Jr. testified before Congress about his meeting with a Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign, he was questioned about two calls he had made to block phone numbers during the preparation of the meeting. The son of the president said he did not know who he had called – and the Democrats asked if he had called his father

Senate investigators, however, determined that the calls were not at the Trump number, reported Thursday CNN. According to the New York Times, Don Jr. has called Brian France, CEO of NASCAR, and investor Howard Lorber. Now, Trump is asking for confirmation. But the Democrats still have many questions.

The mysterious calls were examined because President Trump has long claimed to know nothing about his son's meeting – to which Don Jr. was seen to offer incriminating information from the Russian government about Hillary Clinton. . (Trump's team said the meeting went off without incident and without consequence.)

Democrats have been wary of this claim for a long time and have been looking for evidence that Trump was aware of it. Don Jr.'s blocked call to Trump was a proposed theory of how he might have discovered it. One of the blocked calls was held on June 6, 2016, just before Don Jr. recalls Emin Agalarov, the Russian and Azerbaijani pop star who helped organize the meeting.

According to this information, the blocked calls were not at Trump's number after all. Of course, this does not preclude Trump from knowing about the meeting in advance. (It could have been said in person, for example.) Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House's Intelligence Committee, said he always wanted to review the information himself. But the president still asked for confirmation:

Some commentators were intrigued by the fact that one of Don Jr.'s blocked appeals was at the developer Howard Lorber, who according to the Washington Post in 2016 had "deep ties with Russia" and even participated in an earlier attempt to build a Trump tower in Moscow.

Mueller investigates at least three events involving Don Jr. [19659009] The news regarding the blocked calls was considered by some to be excellent news for Trump – for example, National Review's Jonah Goldberg described as "a blow to one of the most popular collusion accounts", and a Washington Post Max Boot tweeted, "If that were correct, it would undermine a case collusion against the president. "

But to put the evolution in context, the "blocked calls" are only one of the larger issues regarding Don Jr.'s Trump Tower meeting and this meeting is not even the only thing on which Don Jr. is being investigated.

In fact, special advocate Robert Mueller devoted at least three separate events in the Don Jr. case

1) The Russian meeting of Trump Tower: It s. is June 9, 2016., meeting between Don Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, and a few others, were set up with the promise to dirty Hillary Clinton from the Russian government .

While some focused on the question of what Donald Trump knew before the meeting, I explained last year that the much more important question was what to know. was actually spent during and after the meeting. The Trump team says it's an unproductive discussion that has gone nowhere, and if that's true, then all of that might have been a bad idea but ultimately was not important.

2) The Trump Tower talks in Moscow: are the efforts of Michael Cohen, kept secret from the public during the 2016 campaign. Mueller recently accused Cohen of lying about the extent of the talks and the participation of Russian government representatives in these discussions. And the special advocate wrote in the prosecution document that Cohen had informed Donald Trump's "family members" about the project, which was widely regarded as a reference to Don Jr.

3) The Other Trump Tower Meeting: The New York Times also announced last May that Don Jr. had held a second meeting about potential foreign aid to win the elections in August 2016.

No Russian was present – the meeting was more about George Nader (Adviser to the Crown Prince of the United Arab Emirates), Erik Prince (a US private security contractor) and Joel Zamel (an Israeli specialist "Social Media Manipulation." It's unclear exactly what happened after this meeting, but Mueller would probably have probed it. [19659017] The news about appeals blocked is therefore an element of information it is important, but it is not a definitive exemption of the president and his son.

To learn more about the Mueller Probe, follow Andrew Prokop on Twitter and check out Vo Guide x on the Trump-Russia Survey.

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