Nadia Meicher debuted in Ukrainian cinema: spectacular images


The former singer of the band "VIA Gra" and the designer Nadezhda Meyerher have realized another dream. The star made her film debut, as her followers tell Instagram.

According to Nadezhda Meyerher, it was the first time that she played a major role in the multi-series film. Oksana Bayrak acted as director of the film "Nothing happens twice". During the writing of the script, she imagined that Nadezhda Meyer would harmoniously complete the difficult part of the Ukrainian woman.

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And that is what happened: the ex-singer appeared dramatically in a 16-series movie . At first, Nadezhda Meyer turned into a young mother who, because of the hardships of her life, was forced to leave her child, and then the star cleverly showed her heroine 20 years after a difficult decision to make.

Another childhood dream: a film shoot. And the dream of playing is not beautiful, but to play a game called "life", where, as in life, we are different. Especially my heroine is Raisa. You will not want such a fate. But staying here "in the skin" of this character was incredibly interesting and informative,
– confessed Nadezhda Meyerher.

The star added to the frame of the images of the film "Nothing happens twice". The film premiere will be on February 11th.

It should be noted that the filming of the melodrama took place in four countries: the Ukraine, Georgia, Spain and Jordan. The first series of the film was written by director Oksana Bayrak and has contributed to the creation of Maria Beck and Olena Boyko since the beginning of her life.

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