Names and photos of the crew of the sunken ship in Turkey


Among the 13 people, there was a woman.

The network contains a list of people who were on a ship that sank off the coast of Turkey. Among them are 11 Ukrainians and two Azerbaijani citizens. The last are captain and assistant captain. A cook was on board.

The Ukrainian ambassador to Turkey confirmed the death of the fourth Ukrainian, but did not name it. According to Azerbaijani media, the deputy captain Ibrahimov Mammadali was also killed. Vyazovsky Rostislav born in 1981

  • Shevchuk Stanislav born in 1974
  • Krepets Dmitry born in 1987
  • Ovdienko Vladimir born in 1997
  • Milnichenko Pavel Born in 1998
  • Yatsenko Eugene 1961 and the birth of
  • Skachko Denis born in 1989
  • Budko Tatiana was born in 1979
  • Volga-Balt ship sank the morning of January 7 off the Turkish coast. He came from the Russian port Azov under the Panama flag. Turkish specialists have rescued people with the help of helicopters. Survivors were taken to hospitals in the port city of Samsun.

    The insurance company will pay for the treatment costs of injured Ukrainians. More details on this product, 7 comments on this product

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