Nancy Pelosi: "Open Debate" if a sitting president can be indicted


Faced with the new Democratic majority taking control of the House on Thursday, the Democratic representative of California was questioned over whether Special Advocate Robert Mueller should honor the opinion of the Department of Justice that a sitting American president should not be charged. Mueller is currently investigating Russia's interference in the 2016 election and on the possible links between President Donald Trump's campaign and the Kremlin.

"I do not think it's decisive, no, I do not know," Pelosi said in an interview with NBC. Savannah Guthrie, aired Thursday in "Today."

Asked if Mueller could legally charge a sitting president, Pelosi said, "Let's see what Mueller is doing, let's spend our time getting results for the American people."

The guidelines of the Office of the Legal Counsel, published in 2000, state that "The charge or criminal prosecution of a current president would unconstitutionally impair the ability of the executive to to perform functions assigned to him by the Constitution. "

"This is not the law". Pelosi told Guthrie. "All indications are that a president can be indicted when he is no longer president of the United States."

Guthrie asks, "What about an incumbent president?"

"Well, a president in office when he's no longer president in the United States," Pelosi replied.

Guthrie pressed again, asking, "A president who is in power?" Robert Mueller could he come back and say, "I'm looking for an indictment?" "

" I think that's what it's all about. is an open discussion, "said Pelosi. "I think it's an open discussion in terms of law."

Nor did she rule out an indictment procedure against Trump.

"We have to wait to see what happens with the Mueller report," said Pelosi. "We should not dismiss for political reasons, or avoid dismissal for political reasons."

For the first time since taking office, Trump will face a new opposition to the House of Democrats. , who plan to consider the president and use their power of summons.

The Mueller investigation, which began in 2017, could release its final report this year, making referrals or recommendations to the US House.

Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, told CNN in May, Mueller's team had informed Trump's lawyers that she had concluded that a president-in-office could not to be indicted.

Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, testified before the court in August that he had ordered him to pay compensation in the 2016 ballot that claimed he had relations with the future president. Cohen pleaded guilty to two campaign financing offenses related to payments to adult movie star Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal. , who denied having business with the two women.

Trump often makes fun of Mueller's investigation as a "witch hunt" and denies any collusion between his campaign and Russia to influence the 2016 election in his favor.

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