NASA accidentally destroyed all evidence of the existence of life on Mars


  NASA accidentally destroyed all evidence of the existence of life on Mars

All Martian soil samples were burned with potential organic compounds

In the mid-1970s NASA was carrying "Viking-1" Viking-2 interplanetary spacecraft. "The ships collected samples of the Earth's red planet and brought them to Earth, but scientists have studied and interpreted them incorrectly. 19659003] Based on incorrect scientific data from NASA and scientists, there was a misconception about the composition of the Martian soil.The fact is that the Viking vessel accidentally accidentally destroyed all the samples and samples of the Martian Earth , thus depriving scientists of the opportunity to obtain evidence of the existence of a reasonable life on the planet

The fact is that the disposit yews on Mars were literally overheated soil and burned all possible living creatures in the soil samples. In addition, scientists incorrectly set up equipment, because of which they did not determine the exact composition of the samples.

Some skeptics believe that on Mars there may be, in theory, a number of compounds. They could indicate the existence of primitive forms of life.

By the way, this theory has been confirmed. NASA scientists have recently discovered organic compounds on the surface of Mars. They were located in a crater that was once a lake. Among the material found were parts of living plants and creatures.

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