NASA scientists released the latest photos of the Kepler telescope


On October 30, 2018, NASA's Kepler Space Telescope sent its latest signal. He has had some technical malfunctions over the years due to a failure of the reaction wheels. More than the telescope stopped working, the last picture was published.

This is reported on the NASA website.

Initially, the mission of the Kepler aircraft was planned for 3.5 years. However, it finally lasted 9 years, 7 months and 23 days.

The latest photos, according to the agency, were taken by the camera on September 25

"Meanwhile, Kepler has opened more than 2600 worlds outside the solar system and proved, the planets of our galaxy are bigger than the stars, "NASA said.

Kepler's camera consisted of 42 charged sensors (CCDs). The extension of each of them is 1024 on 2200 pixels

There are several empty planes in the image. The reason is that the disturbed CCD system is gradually disappearing. This shot was the last before the "death" of the telescope.

Earlier Direct reported that the Hubble Telescope had sent a photograph of "The Smiling Universe" on Earth, on which two "eyes", a mouth bright and smiling.

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