NASA spokesperson explains where extraterrestrial life is possible


NASA, the US Space Agency, said if life in space, other than Earth, was possible. However, the exact answer to a question that concerns millions of people can only be obtained after the first expedition to Mars with the participation of astronauts.

The first assistant to NASA's Chief of Science Missions, Thomas Zurbuhhen, in charge of this post since 2016, said the following.

" Is there life outside of the earth? I think the answer is yes, but we do not know it now. The reason I think that is It is simple: we have underestimated nature throughout our lives, for example, when hypotheses have been formulated about the presence of water or molecular complexes With regard to the chain of life … Well, life is a place where it is very likely that we thought ", – says Zurbuhhen.

The NASA spokesman also said that he did not want to personally participate in the expedition. The reason for this decision is that it takes a long time to prepare for the flight into space

. According to Zurbuhhen, he expects astronauts to travel to Mars in the middle of the third decade of the twenty-first century.

It should be noted that NASA had already made sensational statements about extraterrestrial life in the solar system. Scientists then say that life can exist on one of Saturn's satellites Enceladus

Remember that NASA photographed a phenomenon unique to Jupiter: hurricanes in space

According to the "" portal, NASA has rigorously taught Russia's chief astronaut: a clear message to the Kremlin. However, Roskosmos said he has not yet received an official message from NASA.

In addition, "" wrote that NASA's TESS satellite had already found the third longest-lived exoplanet. Calculations indicate that the new planet is dense and gas and its size is three times larger than the planet Earth.

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