New Jersey becomes the 4th state to raise the minimum wage to $ 15


New Jersey on Monday became the last state to raise its hourly minimum wage to $ 15 after Democratic Governor Phil Murphy signed a measure providing for a gradual increase in the five-year overage rate. Murphy signed the bill alongside Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver and Democratic Legislative Leaders at a heated event in Elizabeth, where activists applauded. "Ready for 15 years", carried banners with their union affiliation and applauded loudly once the bill was signed.

"It's a great day to make the story of New Jersey worker families," Murphy said. "And that's exactly what we're going to do.We are talking long enough about placing New Jersey on a trajectory responsible for the minimum wage of $ 15 an hour.Today, we start on this path . "

  New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy - Minimum Wage
On this photo provided by the New Jersey Governor's Office, Gov. Phil Murphy signs a law to increase the minimum wage in New Jersey to $ 15 an hour, Monday, February 4, 2019, Elizabeth, NJ [19659005] Edwin J. Torres / NJ Governor's Office

New Jersey joins California, Massachusetts, New York and the District of Columbia to gradually apply the highest rate. The $ 15 salary is a prominent political goal for leftist groups, as well as carrying a key campaign promise from Murphy.

The governor, Senate Speaker Steve Sweeney, and Speaker of the Assembly, Craig Coughlin, announced the conclusion of an agreement on wage increases. months after years of efforts on the part of leftist groups and state unions to raise wages.

Republican Governor Chris Christie has vetoed a similar bill to raise wages in 2016.

Republicans and many companies testified during hearings that higher wages would increase costs and hurt trade. On Monday, Republican senators expressed fears that companies would fire workers and switch to automation.

Others fear that if a recession occurs, the high wage could be unsustainable for businesses.

Things will see among small businesses will be tragic, "said Sen. Declan O. Scanlon in a statement.

In an interview, Murphy, the former ambassador of the administration Obama in Germany dismissed concerns over automation and said he had never done it.He also acknowledged that a too rapid rise in the minimum wage could be detrimental to the state economy, why this measure is being implemented gradually, he said.

"I assume that you have a full-time job generating wages of misery in 2019 in New Jersey, "he said." There is no excuse for that. "

Bill Increases Current Minimum Wage by $ 8.85 at $ 10 an hour in July, then increases the rate of $ 1 the following years until reaching 15 dolla rs in 2024, but not for all workers. .

The wages of farm workers will rise to $ 12.50 over five years, for example. Small-scale workers and seasonal workers will see their minimum wage reach $ 15 per hour in 2026. Low-income workers, who currently earn a minimum hourly wage of $ 2.13, will see this wage rise to 5 per cent. , 13 USD the time of 2024.

2019 include rules for California pet stores and higher minimum wages

The new law comes into force at the moment the 2020 presidential contest begins to take shape, with Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey announcing last week his intention to participate in the Democratic primaries next year

Oliver, the lieutenant governor, implored those gathered Monday to press for a minimum wage more high in the upcoming elections, sparking one of the strongest applause of the day.

"I do not want you to forget the year 2020 because we need a federal minimum wage (increase)," she said.

An amendment to the Constitution that increases the minimum wage and imposes inflation came into effect in 2013 in New Jersey. Once the salary will reach 15 dollars in 2024, it will continue to increase according to the consumer price index because of this amendment.

Amazon raises minimum wage to US $ 15 for US workers

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