New Ohio Governor says he's going to sign "heartbeat bill" Kasich vetoed


"Yes, absolutely," said DeWine, when asked when he would sign the bill, during a radio show on Hugh Hewitt.
  With the new law, the Ohio prohibits the procedure of common abortion

The bill would prohibit abortions six weeks after the design. Kasich vetoed a similar bill, House Bill 258, known as the "Heartbeat Bill," last month before leaving office. Kasich is now a contributor to CNN

Legislation has provoked negative reactions among abortion rights advocates. NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio, the state chapter of a national abortion rights organization, called the bill "horrible" and "dangerous". "unconstitutional".

"Anti-abortion ideologues should not attempt to insert politics between a patient and his doctor" NARAL Pro-Choice Executive Director Ohio, Kellie Copeland, said in a statement.

The Republican governor expects that after signing the bill, he will face prosecution the "next day".

"Family planning will be in the next day, or that day we will sue, but ultimately it will go to the US Supreme Court, which will make its decision," he said. DeWine.

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