New peace plan for the Donbass instead of the Minsk agreements: developed in the OSCE


The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe has developed a new conflict settlement plan in Donbass, which is expected to replace the Minsk Treaties. The OSCE, the UN and a specially created EU agency will participate in the process. In addition, according to the document, Russia and Ukraine must conclude a treaty, which should then be approved by parliaments.

This is what the Special Representative of the Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE in Ukraine and the Tripartite Contact Group on the Situation in Donbass, Martin Saydik, said in the commentary the Kleine Zeitung

. We have seen in recent years that the Minsk agreements were not entirely clear It is important to note that for the implementation of the central element – the holding of elections local – external assistance is needed, we came to the conclusion that it could only act as a United Nations. OSCE m

As noted by the diplomat, a new plan was presented at the last meeting of the Ministerial Council of Foreign Affairs of the OSCE. in Milan in December, attended by representatives of Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France. All could ask questions and make comments.

In the new peace plan for the Donbass, the UN and the OSCE will not operate in parallel, but together under the leadership of a so-called Special Representative. The above concerns both the military and police components of the UN and the OSCE field observation mission

. Also in the OSCE suggests the creation of a European Donbass Restoration Agency that would act as an example of what was after the war in the Balkans. The activity of this agency should extend to all districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. At the same time, he should cooperate with the leaders of the UN mission and the OSCE, but not be under his direction, that is to say, become autonomous. Then, a new peace plan should be signed by the leaders of the "Four Normans" – Ukraine, Russia, France and Germany, then will then have to be approved by the parliaments.

We need an agreement that will really carry weight. in political and legal plans. The Minsk agreements have not been ratified by either the Ukrainian parliament or the Russian parliament. And this, of course, is a problem. Our idea is to obtain such a political weight, which then relies on the implementation of the document, which should also be approved by parliaments
says the representative of the OSCE

. In addition, it is proposed, according to the plan, to set up a transitional administration. In some districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Read also: Germany has developed a strategy for peace in Ukraine: offer

" The purpose of this event is not to eliminate the local population from power, but conversely., In ensuring that its rights will be guaranteed, including the element of amnesty Representatives of these regions participate in the Minsk process and must be heard after the adoption of a new comprehensive agreement Saidik said.

About the likely size of the army and ground the United Nations mission in Donbass, it has not yet been calculated. Saidik noted that the number of peacekeepers will not exceed 20,000, as some say, but will be even smaller.

By the way, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin, said that UN forces were jointly with the OSCE can be an interesting option.

What is a peacekeeping mission? This is a measure taken by the international community to prevent the emergence of inter-state or intra-state conflicts. Peacekeeping operations are conducted with the obligatory consent of the parties to the conflict.

What do we know about the introduction of a peacekeeping contingent in Donbass? In 2017, the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, has advanced the idea of ​​introducing peacekeepers throughout the territory of Donbass. In response to this, Russian President Vladimir Putin demanded that peacekeepers be on the demarcation line "and not on other territories".

According to Russia, the peacekeeping force on the Donbass should only be created to protect OSCE members on the line of demarcation. Instead, Ukraine proposes that they penetrate the entire territory of the region, including the uncontrolled part of the Ukrainian-Russian border. According to Kiev, such an approach is necessary so that Russia does not provide weapons and troops in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Earlier, Petro Poroshenko said that the creation of a UN peacekeeping mission in Donbass territory does not take place because of the blocking of this issue by Russia. one of the signatories of the Budapest memorandum and thus played the role of guarantor of the security of Ukraine. Therefore, according to the head of state, Russia must explain to the world the reasons for its opposition.

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