New Sworn Congress: Live stream at the 116th Congress convening, Nancy Pelosi elected at home, selected house rules – live updates


The 116th Congress will meet on Thursday. Democrats will win a majority in the US House of Representatives after eight years of power. The first item on the agenda is the election of Representative Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House for the second time.

The House is to meet at noon. After the confirmation of Pelosi, the new members will be sworn. Once the ceremonies are over, the session may become more controversial.

Pelosi announced his intention to immediately adopt a spending bill to end the closure of the government. However, the bill does not include funding for a border wall, so President Trump said he would not sign it.

Here is the live news of the new Congress:

A clerk reminds the Assembly to the order

. was called to order. Before appointing Pelosi as Chair, the Clerk will call a quorum call.

The Clerk of the House noted that the Ninth District of North Carolina Congress remains in dispute and that she has not received any credentials to complete it.

appointed by the Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries, New York, President of the Democratic Caucus

See Swearing-In of the New Convention

New Members of Congress will be sworn in today, at the Opening of the Congress. CBSN will broadcast live all the proceedings of the US Capitol Building.

How to watch online the new Congress today

Nancy Pelosi will be elected President

Representative. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Should be elected Speaker of the House when the session is scheduled for Thursday. The Democrats recently congratulated Pelosi for standing up to President Trump when the conflict was over.

In her speech after accepting the hammer, she should discuss democratic priorities, including income inequality and climate change.

the new members take the oath, our congress will be refreshed and our democracy will be strengthened by the optimism, idealism and patriotism of this freshman class in transformation. By working together, we will redeem the promise of the American dream for each family, advancing Pelosi in an excerpt from the speech reserved for journalists.

In November, opponents of the then minority leader, Pelosi, attempted to replace her as a long-time House Democrat leader and presumptive speaker. The campaign was led by representatives Seth Moulton, D-Mass., Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, and Kathleen Rice, D-New York, but no candidate ultimately attempted to challenge Pelosi.

Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, briefly mentioned her candidacy for the presidency, but announced her support for Pelosi after seeing herself promise a plum position to the presidency of the commission's elections subcommittee. 39, administration of the House. Without a clear competitor, and with only 16 Democrats signing a letter pledging to vote against it, the opposition to Pelosi has dissipated.

Some members who overthrew republican districts should always oppose Pelosi as president, as the New York representative. Max Rose and Virginia Representative Abigail Spanberger responded to the campaign promise to oppose her presidency. However, they can vote "present" instead of voting directly against it.

House Vote on the Democrats' Set of Rules

One of the first hurdles for new sworn MPs is the approval of a set of rules to govern the conduct of Congress at come.

Some notable provisions include the "Gephardt Rule", named in honor of former House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt, who automatically raises the debt ceiling when the House adopts a budget. . Members would be required to undergo additional ethics training and would be prohibited from sitting on corporate boards. A provision would also amend the rule against wearing hats in the House to provide for religious exceptions, so that the new representative, Ilhan Omar, a Muslim, could wear his headscarf.

Another important provision would change the process for "releasing the president.," A process to force the speaker out. Instead of only one member being able to trigger the process, the new rule would require the motion to be rescinded and presented to the House only if the majority of party conferences consent.

However, some progressive Democrats have announced that they will be voting against the package of rules, which was rolled out Tuesday night. Although the package includes bills that would create a climate change committee and implement ethical reforms, some representatives base their opposition on the inclusion of the pay-as-you-go rule.

The "pay per call" rule is generally used. known as PAYGO, demands that any increase in rights and duties be offset by reductions in other rights programs, or by new sources of revenue, to prevent the deficit from growing. The deficit climbed 17% in 2018, following the $ 1.5 trillion tax review passed in 2017. Managing a gaping deficit may be a priority for the presumed new Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, but it worries the progressives who oppose the reduction of certain expenses in order to increase funding. to vote on the government financing bill

The most important point on Thursday's agenda is the adoption of a bill to fund the government. A partial halt has been in effect since 21 December and has affected hundreds of thousands of dismissed workers. Congress failed to pass a bill funding the Department of Homeland Security and several other agencies in December, President Trump refusing to sign any measure not including sufficient funding for a border wall .

In an interview with "TODAY" on Thursday. In the morning, Pelosi said she was absolutely unwilling to finance the border wall.

"We can go from one tone to the other, No. How many times can we say no, nothing for the wall," she said.

million. Trump and congressional leaders met Wednesday afternoon in the discussion room to discuss a possible agreement on financing the wall. The situation room, for highly classified documents, is by nature closed to the press, which means that there will be no theatrical theater like that of the infamous December meeting where Mr. Trump told the leader Senate Minority Chuck Schumer and Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi "proud" to close the government on border security.

Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer unveiled a package of bills to reopen the government on Monday, including a bill to temporarily fund DHS, with $ 1.3 billion Border Security 8.

It will also include six other bipartisan bills intended to finance the Ministries of Agriculture, the Interior, Housing and Urban Development, as well as others. closed by the partial closure of the system until 31 September

. However, as the package does not include the $ 5 billion requested by Mr Trump for the southern border wall, it is unlikely that he will support it. McConnell spokesman Donald Stewart made it clear that Senate Republicans would not take action without Trump's support. "It's simple: the Senate is not going to send something to the president that he will not sign," he said on Monday.

After a meeting with members of Congress, Trump also said that approving bills to fund other government agencies without funding the DHS would make him "ridiculous".

The package includes a bill to temporarily fund the Department of Homeland Security, with $ 1.3 billion

Who are the new committee chairs?

Report by Caitlin Huey-Burns

When Democrats officially take control, President Trump's core group of critics will have new powers.

Up to now, the highest democratic legislators sitting on key committees had limited scope, largely relegated to expressing their concerns through cable news programs and social media. Now, the change of power, resulting from the November mid-term elections, gives them not only a megaphone, but also real legislative tools, such as the power to issue subpoenas, to compel the president to be accountable, whether it's about his tax returns or his trade relations with Russia. investigation of administrative scandals and its immigration policies.

Here are five members to watch for at the New Congress and what they hope to achieve:

New York Representative Jerry Nadler, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the House

Nadler said. it gives priority to surveillance. His committee has already appealed to Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker because the Democrats are worried about the nature of his appointment and his connection to the investigation of Russia. Nadler testified that Whitaker agreed to testify but did not make an appointment. He says that he will give a subpoena to appear if necessary. The new chairman of the committee is also determined to protect the investigation led by the special council headed by Robert Mueller.

"In the past two years, the President has exercised no oversight, no responsibility on the part of Congress.The Republican Congress has completely abandoned its responsibility to provide oversight," said Nadler at "CBS This Morning ". "We will provide this monitoring.We will use the power of summons to appear when needed."

Rep. Nadler: The Trump Arrest is a "Blackmail of the American People"

Adam Schiff, Representative of California, Chairman of the Intelligence Committee of the House of Representatives

When he will take the reins of the committee, Mr. Schiff announced that he would focus his efforts on protecting the Mueller investigation and re-engage in the global probe. Schiff also expressed the wish to recall witnesses related to the investigation on Russia who have already testified. "We think other witnesses have been lying before our committee," Schiff said in November, after Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to lying to Congress.

Schiff has identified two key areas of interest for the Russian investigation and the possible. Collusion between Trump's associates: details of the infamous Trump Tower 2016 meeting, which could involve the issuance of subpoena, and whether the Russians have laundered money through the Trump organization.

Elie Cummings, President of Maryland, Speaker of the House of Control and Reform Committee

If the Democrats need control of the president, they will certainly watch Cummings, as chair of the committee, overseeing his name. Cummings said that he would use his power to make public Mueller's findings. "What the public has said is that they want accountability and transparency," Cummings told CBS in "Face the Nation." "I will do everything in my power to ensure that the findings of this study are presented not only to Congress but to the people of the United States." Cummings also stated that he would like Cohen to appear before the committee. "The public needs to know exactly what has happened," he told CNN's "State of the Union." "There is a lot to watch."

California Representative Maxine Waters, Chair of the House Financial Services Committee

Waters became a hero of anti-Trump resistance – and a major target of President's attacks. . Now, she will become the first woman and the first African-American president of the Financial Services Committee, and she is closely monitoring the banks that lent money to Mr. Trump.

As a prominent member of the committee, Ms. Waters focused on Deutsche Bank, which lent money to Trump after bankruptcies, and was also fined heavily for a Russian money laundering of $ 10 billion.

Rep. Massachusetts, Richard Neal, Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee

Unlike his recent predecessors. , the president refused to publish his tax returns. This could change once Neal takes the reins of the Ways and Means Committee. "Yes, I think we will do it," Neal told the Associated Press agency to find out if he would ask the president 's taxes. "I hope the President will do it alone, largely because every president since Gerald R. Ford has voluntarily done so."

Trump repeatedly refused to make his statements public, claiming that he was undergoing an audit. If he does not bow to Neal's request, the provision of the tax code allows the president to request the taxpayer's information from the Internal Revenue Service and the secretary of the treasury will have to produce it.

New Democrats Will Be Sworn

The New Democratic Caucus is extremely diverse compared to previous ones, with more than 100 women taking office. Elected members Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are the first Muslim women sent to Congress, and Deb Haaland and Sharice Davids are the first Native American women elected to Congress. Ayanna Pressley is the first black member of Congress in Massachusetts and Abby Finkenauer is the first woman sent to the Iowa Congress. Of the 31 new Republicans, all are white and only one is a woman.

The Speaker of the House traditionally administers the oath of office. Members may choose to hold a religious text at the same time.

Midterm elections result in a most diverse Congress to date

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