News from Russia – Demonstrations in France: Hysterical statement of Russian propaganda through the Macro Declaration


Russian Lawyer and Editor-in-Chief of Russia Today's resource, Margaret Simonian, responded to French President Emmanuel Macron, who accused Kremlin publications of stirring up protests in Moscow. 39, interior of the country.

This article was reported by FATHER TRUTH with reference to the publication of the telegram Margaret Simonian channel. The propagandist was outraged by accusations by Macron, who accused the Russian media of spreading fakes that provoked new manifestations of "yellow vests".

Simonyan notably stated that Russia Today is not aymayetsya buy accounts for the implementation of "trolls". However, she admitted

that "yellow jackets" We really like ". Apparently, the protesters chanted "Mercy, RT" all the time and gave "captured ovations" to correspondents, as well as a video of the protest television channel "Winning Millions of Views".

 Demonstrations in France: a well-known Russian propagandist made hysteria in the Macron Declaration

Earlier, the French president said that resources such as RussiaToday and Sputnik were buying accounts on social networks to offer them explosive topics for political discussions, which then broadcast the French media.

Recall in France [19659010] during protests injured Russian propaganda journalist television channel RT . from

. Ambassador Emmanuel Macrone has launched large-scale events in France and has promised to increase the minimum wage and tax privileges.

At the same time, the press officer of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov, tried to refute Russia's involvement in the campaign "Yellow Vests". every Saturday takes place in France every Saturday.

In this rotational context France has information on the traces of the Russian intervention in case of Western European countries.

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