News from Ukraine January 19, 2019


USS Donald Cook, the US rocket destroyer, heads for the Black Sea. In Mexico, 66 people were killed in a pipeline and a dozen others were injured. Thousands of Poles came to the funeral of the assassinated mayor of Gdansk Adamovich. Police found suspects to hold an explosion in the UOC-MP church in Sumy. Ukrainians celebrated Vodohresh. These were the main news of January 19 in Ukraine and around the world.

Another American ship in the Black Sea

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As promised, the US Navy continues to monitor the stability of the sea Black. The American destroyer USS Donald Cook is heading now – he must also monitor security in the region.

The United States Navy continues to support our allies and partners of general regional interest in the service of stability at sea. Our visit will demonstrate the navy's interaction with the achievement of common security objectives in the region ,
said the commander of the destroyer, Matthew Powell

the Ukrainian ambassador to the United States, Valery Chaly, also informed of the approach of the destroyer.

US Arnold Burke's Donald Cook (USD Donald Cook (DDG-75)) passes the Black Sea strait on the way to the Black Sea, it will not interfere, "he wrote.

This is not the first "American" Black Sea, appeared in the region since the aggression of Russia in the Kerch Strait. And the first was the expeditionary expeditionary ship USS FortMcHenry of the US Navy, entered the Romanian port of Constanta on January 7.

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Why did the Kerch Strait climb up? On November 25, in the Kerch Strait, a Russian border ship broke into a tug of the Ukrainian army. It is known that two small armored Ukrainian artillery boats and raids were conducted in accordance with international standards from the port of Odessa to the port of Mariupol

However, Russia said that Ukrainian warships would have illegally penetrated into the temporarily closed waters of the Russian Sea. and continued their movement towards the Kerch Strait.

A group of Ukrainian ships continued their journey to Mariupol. However, during the exit of the Kerch Strait, Russian border ships opened fire on Ukrainian ships, injuring six Ukrainian soldiers. Russia also seized two Ukrainian ships and captured 24 Ukrainian sailors, who were subsequently arrested in occupied Crimea and taken to SIZO Moscow.

Ukraine then introduced a military state in the 10 oblasts until 26 December. In addition, on November 30, Ukraine banned the entry into its territory of Russian citizens aged 16 to 60 years

. Russia is also blocking, for the first time in the sea of ​​Azov, foreign ships going for the first time to Ukrainian ports. As a result, the Ukrainian economy suffers considerable losses.

We will add that in December the ship of HMS Echo H87 of the Royal Navy of Great Britain entered the Black Sea. The visit took place as part of an agreement between Ukraine and the United Kingdom, which was concluded on November 21, 2018 during the visit of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Stepan Poltorak, London. However, Britain kept its promise earlier as a result of Russia's seizure of Ukrainian seamen into the neutral waters of the Black Sea

66 people were killed in a pipeline

66 people were killed in a pipeline in Hidalgo, central Mexico, and 76 others were injured

An explosion and a serious fire occurred at the site of an illegal logging in a pipeline in the Tlaulilpan district in a time when dozens of people were involved in fuel collection.

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Alfonso Durazo, Minister of Public Security of Mexico, said that the fire was being liquidated, but that rescuers need time to determine the final number of deaths.

The number of victims we have after the accident in Tlauhuelpane: 66 dead and 76 wounded, they were hospitalized in various public hospitals,
– added the governor.

The pipeline is located near the oil refinery of state oil company Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex). It should be added that after the explosion, the company issued a statement stating that the cause of the accident could be an attempt to steal fuel.

By the way, since the beginning of the year, the new Mexican government is implementing a strategy to fight against the looting of gasoline. The authorities immediately stopped refueling several pipelines to fight against the stubborn stubbornness through which stolen gasoline, and engaged in the distribution of fuel in tanks. All of this has already resulted in serious interruptions in gasoline supply at the gas station and has resulted in many hours of queuing at gas stations. : How the deceased mayor of Gdansk supported Ukraine

On Saturday 19 January, a farewell ceremony with the city's deceased mayor, Pavel Adamovich, takes place in Gdansk. Thousands of Poles and Polish leaders attended the ceremony. In particular, President Andrzej Duda, Prime Minister Mateusz Moravecki, President of the Council of Europe Donald Tusk, etc. went to the funeral. On January 13, during a concert, the Polish mayor Pavel Adamovich attacked an unknown knife. A man It happened in the evening when the mayor of the city came to the fair to raise funds for charity works. Adamovich in a serious condition with many injuries to the internal organs was rushed to the hospital. High school students fought hard for the mayor's life, but on January 14, Adamovich died in the hospital without realizing it.

An Adamovich attacker was 27 years old – a Gdansk resident, one year old, who had already been sued and was suffering from mental illness. The court of Gdańsk arrested him for three months

The funeral began at 12 o'clock in the basilica of the Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary. [1945921]

Video of the burial of the mayor of Gdansk

The forces of the order found suspects in the organization of an explosion in the temple of the UOC-MP in Sumy

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The Sumy explosion at the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Holy Ghost occurred on the evening of January 18 during the festive divine service. Then, at the entrance of the premises, the pyrotechnic game of the airsoft game was abandoned by strangers. Fortunately, no one was injured.

Law enforcement officials as well as SBU employees identified people suspected of having committed hooliganism.

The two suspects are young people residing in Soumy. At present, they are conducting appropriate investigations in open criminal proceedings. According to their report, one of the young men, the law enforcement officers, withdrew a pyrotechnic device similar to that used yesterday in the temple of Soborna Street,

After what the police found, the object that exploded was not.

"From Romaine to Jordan" is finished

To read also: Baptism in Ukraine: the stars greet the fans with the party

The third and last rope of Christmas and New Year celebrations are J rdan or Epiphany, which Orthodox and Greek Catholic Christians celebrate on January 19. People believe that water purifies and heals on this day, so that all who wish are immersed in the hole to be healthy all year round.

We were told how Jordan celebrated once and for all today.

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