News from Ukraine today 17 January 2019


The Constitutional Court of Poland declared the definition of "Ukrainian nationalists" and "Eastern Malopolska" unconstitutional. The Verkhovna Rada approved the rules relating to the transition of religious organizations to other parishes. In Volyn, at a meeting with Poroshenko to hear about Tomos, people were brought by bus. The Russian propagandist, who left the Russian Federation, fell into the hands of the SBU. These were the main news of January 17 in Ukraine and around the world.

Polish anti-banking law awaits a change

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The Constitutional Court Polish finally declared unconstitutional the provisions of the updated law relating to the National Institute of Remembrance the definitions of "Ukrainian nationalists" and "Eastern Malopolska".

These provisions, which were to be reviewed in February 2018, were contested by the President of Poland, Andrzej Dud, but the Sejm and the Attorney General of the country hold a different opinion.

However, the judges supported the position of the President of Poland, saying that the definitions of "Ukrainian nationalists" and "Eastern Malopolska" were inaccurate.

The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, congratulated the Polish Constitutional Court for its decision.

Thank you to the President of Poland, Andrzej Dudu, for launching the production and I sincerely congratulate you for the fact that it violates the constitutional principle of the accuracy of the law. court decision. We are working more on strengthening the Ukrainian-Polish partnership,
– wrote the head of state on Facebook.

Commenting on the long-awaited changes, political scientist Valery Dymov pointed out the failure of Moscow provocation.

The Constitutional Court of Poland declared that the Polish land claims constituted a transfer of responsibility for what happened during the Second World War in Poland with the Jewish minority. or in Volyn with the Poles – can not be interpreted as exercising a nation or an entire organization, to whom responsibility was awarded without a court,
– noted Dimov

A political scientist points out that Poles and Ukrainians understand that it is impossible to transfer

The Council approved the rules relating to the transition of religious communities to other parishes

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On Thursday 17 January, the Verkhovna Rada approved a draft law on amendments to the law "On freedom of conscience and religious organizations". His votes for the bill were given by 229 to the people's deputies. The law provides mechanisms for the transition of religious communities to other parishes .

In particular, the approved amendments to the law state that the religious community accepts new ones and excludes existing members of the community . established by its charter. The decision to change the subordination and to make the appropriate modifications or additions to the statute must be taken at the general assembly of the religious community; it can be convened by members of the religious community.

For the approval of the above-mentioned decisions, the vote must be at least equal to two-thirds of the members of the religious community In addition, the decision to change the subordination is attested by the signatures members of the religious community concerned who supported such a decision. Other important provisions of the law are listed in the document.

By the way, a part of the community that does not subscribe to the decision to change subordination has the right to form a new community and to enter into an agreement to use it. church and property with their owner.

And without "unclean" in and The Verkhovna Rada did not succeed on January 17. President of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubiy called for the "disgrace" of Vadim Novinsky, an imposter, when he approached the presidium during the examination of the draft law on the transition of religious communities.

Tomorrow, Poroshenko and buses

The President of Ukraine continues to ride with Tomos Ukraine. On January 15, the head of the Ministry of Justice went to Volhynia. All the people who want to visit the president in Lutsk and Kivertsi have been visited by buses. Yes, the activists recorded how, after Poroshenko's visit, dozens of people had gathered and returned to buses parked in several streets

. There were also members of the Verkhovna Rada. Everything happened during working hours at the time of the parliamentary session.

Activists said that in Lutsk, they found how many buses brought hundreds of Volynians to the outskirts of the city. From there, people came in small groups to the theatrical square of the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

 Visit of Tomos-Poroshenko
Buses organized and transported by inhabitants of Lutsk // Photo: OPORA

In addition,, recorded at least 9 buses, which took the people to the district centers after the closing of events by the city. The same buses were also noticed in the city of Kivertsi.

 Tomos-tower powder
The buses that were taken away by people to "Tomos-tower" in Kivertsi // Photo: OPORA

Also read: Through advertising POROSHENKA BURNED scandal: photo of the priest used without his consent

A pro-Russian propagandist of Lviv vytuili with Russia – waiting for his trial

The Ukrainian security service arrested the anti-Ukrainian propagandist Olena Boyko (disciple) who was expelled from Russia. A lover of the Russian Federation fled Lviv in 2015.

Read also: "I was thrown like a dirty rag": what happened to the propagandist Boyko after his expulsion from the Russian Federation [19659004] Since the beginning of 2014, the agitator has disseminated on the Internet anti-Ukrainian information, aired the confrontation between Ukrainians because of political beliefs publicly called for the violation of the territorial integrity of the country. 39; Ukraine.

What do we know about Elena Boyko? After having run away to Russia, a woman repeatedly called on the Russian authorities to create a political asylum. Ku, but she was refused. On December 13, the Moscow court decided to deport Boyko from Russia due to violations of the law on immigration and was deported on Jan. 16.

Boyko is known for his regular participation in pro-Kremlin programs on Russian television, criticizing the Ukrainian authorities and hatred aroused by Ukraine. Russian media call it "a known criticism of the policy of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko", although it was perceived as a provocation rather than a journalist for his flight from Lviv.

Boyko appeared to be a journalist from the communist edition of Galician Hawk. Together with Dmytro Lyashenko, they repeatedly tried to organize provocations with communist symbols in Lviv, before publishing them on social networks. In particular, at one of the Victory Days on May 9, the two wandered to Lviv with a communist flag and a St. George ribbon, after which the man was beaten.

In August 2015, the propagandist went to the temporarily occupied territories in Ukraine and then to Russia. A woman in the media constantly called for a change in the boundaries of the territory or state of Ukraine

On December 4, 2018, a lawyer was declared wanted and on December 15, the court of the Galitsky district of Lviv allowed him to be detained to choose a precautionary measure: detention. She is now in Ukraine and faces five years in prison.

A second time for the Pampuguchs – the second evening on the doorstep

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