News from Ukraine – Unique birds came to the Odessa region: awesome photos and videos


The few birds that entered the Red Data Book of Ukraine arrived in the region of Odessa – curly pelicans

According to The People's Truth, the famous ecologist and Biologist Ivan Rusev, who has written photos and videos of birds, wrote an article on Facebook. 19659003] Unique birds arrived in the Odessa region: awesome photos and videos "class =" alignnone size-full wp-image-231080 "src =" /uploads/2019/02/51668560_1065492226970202_2453433787904688128_n.jpg "width =" 960 "height =" 342 "srcset =" 960w, https : //×107.jpg 300w,×274. jpg 768w,×171.jpg 480w "sizes =" (max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px "/>

One scientist writes that the birds arrived very early this year.Although one or two individuals have been seen in recent years, the Tuz National Park This year's Liman livsky has already managed to see 12 exotic birds with a long orange-red beak this year.

  Unique birds flying to the Odessa region: awesome photo and video

  Unique birds came to the Odessa region: awesome photos and videos

"The photo and video are purely technical (the wind was very strong and strong)", – explained the quality of the video material Rusev

Remember the past In Ukraine, storks were frozen, flooded ulysya of Vyriy too soon. THE POPULAR TRUTH said what to do to save the birds. Ukrainians did not remain indifferent to their fate.

We also said earlier that in Lutsk, a man fell on an unusual pigeon nest in the vent duct. The birds install a house of colored cables.

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